Chapter Fifty continuation

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Did she just hug me?

I glance at Nathan and he just gives me a supportive smile...what the heck I'm I supposed to do with that?

We break apart from the hug and she still smiles at me before opening her mouth to speak

"Kishi!! It has been so long since I heard from you, how are you doing? You look great but hope my son here is not giving you too much trouble?" she asks glaring playfully at Nathan and all he does is shrug and then goes on to stuff his mouth with snacks...I can't believe he his eating snacks when his wife is in a dilemma...but am I? mummy Nathan has been really nice since I got here so there's no big situation going on which I am thankful to God for.

I realize I have not replied her and immediately snap back to reality, I don't want to seem least not ruder than I already seem.

"well, the food is ready so all we need to do is set the table and get the food to the table. Kishi would you mind helping me set the table while Nathan please go and check on your dad cause he has been in the shower for hours now...I know he went back to work but still help me confirm and also drag him down here if he is working cause I told him not to work today but only God knows why he is so obsessed with working.

Nathan agrees and doesn't even wait two seconds before bolting upstairs...traitor!! It became awkward quick as I followed her to the dining area...I decide to make the air less awkward by striking up a conversation...commenting on her house would hopefully do the trick

"your house is beautiful by the way, not overly luxurious but beautiful nevertheless" I compliment as she throws me a smile at my words and continues to walk

"thanks, I designed it myself. I tried not to make it too luxurious but thank goodness I'm not the only one who recognizes my intentions"

We start to set the table and this time it isn't me who starts the conversation...

"I'm pretty sure you're confused about my whole behavior towards you, I mean judging by your expression when I opened the door with a smile or when I hugged seemed pretty shocked." She says not sparing me a glance as she continues to set the table. You wouldn't even know she's talking to me if I was not the only one here.

I just chuckle as a reply cause she seemed to be taking this as a funny conversation...I really didn't know what to say. I watch her carefully as she stops what she's doing abruptly and turns to face me...I wonder what she wants to say..

"I've thought about what I did everyday and I wondered if I was wrong to do such, if I had made a terrible mistake and if I would regret my choices...but I stand here telling you that I have not for one day had regrets for what I did, though I'd admit that my way was not particularly the best option and I'll forever be sorry for what I had put you through but believe me when I say I had no regrets whatsoever. The beginning of this whole thing was quite rocky but after sometime it was just a wonderful experience watching the two lovebirds argue their way through was quite a beautiful experience to watch my son fall in love with such a wonderful girl...and I don't blame you at all for the words you said to me, I mean I totally get why you were pissed at me and I've forgiven you even before you married Nathan" she concludes and by this time I was in tears...I didn't know she thought of me that way...I thought my whole life was coming to an end when I was told to marry Nathan. I was scared and frustrated but look at me now...I'm totally in love with the man I was so sacred to marry and it's all because of her, to be honest if Nathans mom hadn't done the arranged marriage I wouldn't have met the love of my life, my life wouldn't have been totally transformed to a life actually worth living and I can't help but feel grateful to my mother in law for making it all possible.

I'm too lost in my thoughts to notice my mother in law as also started shedding tears. She spreads her hands apart initiating a hug which I gladly accept with a huge smile on face and tears staining my cheeks.

We enjoy the rest of the evening dining and just enjoying ourselves. No tense air, no awkward silence, no freaked out glances, just happiness.



Authors note:

Dear When Pigs Fly readers...we have come to the end of this book

I'm sad but glad that this book is over.

I have decide to write a little epilogue for people who want to know what happens in their lives

Thanks for reading

Lotta love...

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