Chapter Thirty Five

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"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh" I squeal out loud jumping up and down as I'm now looking at PARIS!!!

Yeah!!, Nathan decided to go to Paris first for some reasons that I don't know but I don't mind at all

"I swr I'm going to die of excitement" I squeal once again tugging at Nathan hands

He should be fast and let us be going oo, I want to see everywhere in this place before we have to leave in three days time

I look at Kemi and she's already taking pictures....and then I glance at Khabby to see she's trying to scoot as far away from Micheal as possible. It's time to be a savior

"Khabby come over here and look at this" I scream at her smiling widely like I had seem something which in fact I have not
She looks at me with a gratitude and runs over to me matching my own smile

"Thanks" she says immediately she gets close enough

"No problem, let's go" I say looking at Nathan and giving him an annoyed look

"Nathan naaa, let's go!!!, What's with the hold up" I whine like a child as he rolls his eyes and begins to walk



"No!!!" I say placing my hands over my mouth and scrunching my face in disgust

"Yes a single room" Nathaniel confirms as I widen my eyes in shock

"Why do you seem so surprised?, I'm pretty sure I told you soooo" Nathan says nonchalant while he bites through some sort of snack

"I don't think you did ooo, I'm not sharing a room with you"I state clearly as he just shrugs

"You got no choice bae" he says frustrating me even more

We are currently in front of the receptionist desk in some huge hotel.... This is where we'll be staying for the days we will be in this country and I'm just being informed that I'm sharing a room with Nathan

It's not like I don't like the idea of it....i mean I like like him buttt it's just gonna be awkward

"Okay?, is there going to be like a twins bed or something?" I question as he smirks leaning into me

He's face gets closer closer and closer and I'm practically shrinking backwards

"What are you doing?" I whispers as he just keeps on smiling, he halts when our nose are practically touching and I'm thinking 'does he want to kiss me?'
He shifts his head and I can feel his hot breath graze my neck as I feel him whisper

"Smile for the camera" Nathan mutters into my right ear and then grabs my waist pulling our bodies together
I'm trying to register his words but I'm still in shock until I hear the sound of a camera click and I immediately swing my head to see someone behind a pillar taking pictures

Once he sees that he's been spotted, he immediately bolts to the exit

Nathan seeing then strange dude had left immediately releases my waist and draws apart form me

"Shall we?" He asks walking away not before grabbing the keys and walking past me

I shake my head trying to snap myself out of my daze

Paparazzi follow us reach here?

I hurriedly run after him seeing that he had gone far. I did not want to get lost in a foreign what choice do I have than to follow him

"Wait na" i shout making him to slow down small but not to stop.

I finally catch up to him but by that time he had stop and had started opening our room door

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