Chapter Ten

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I wish I was not born

My life sucks
Everything about me sucks

I think as I walk around the house

Nathan has been locked in his office for the past two days,I hear the door bell as I go and check
I don't bother checking the peephole as I swing the door open to reveal Mr Ojo

"Good Afternoon sir" I greet as I kneel

"Good afternoon dear,how are you?" He ask as I purposely ignore his question as I let him in

He sits down as I ask Elizabeth to get him glass of water

"Where's Nathan?" He asks looking around

"He his In his office,let me go and call him for you" I say walking to his office

I knock on his door but I get no response,after several knocks I open the door letting myself in to see Nathan sleeping, his head placed on his desk in an uncomfortable manner. I tap him slightly as he moves but doesn't wake up, I then start to shake him rigorously as he jolts awake looking as confused as ever

"What are you doing here?" He ask once he noticed me with a displeased face

"Your dad is around and he's asking for you" I say walking out of his office

After some minutes of awkwardness with his dad the door of his office finally open revealing Nathan

He walks towards us as he sits near me on the two sitters couch

I am quite surprised that he actually sat beside me and I can't hide the look of disbelief on my face as I stare at him

His dad notices and clears his throat awkwardly as I turn back to face him

"So when I've you decided to go for your honeymoon?" he asks as it's now my turn to clear my throat

Honeymoon ke?


"Well sir, I'm not sure about-" I begin to say as Nathan rudely cuts me of

What wrong with this guy sef?

"Well we were thinking next month cause I still have somethings to take care of at the office" he replies as I stare at him once again in disbelief

When did we think about anything that he is saying rubbish. Wow,I have never seen someone lie so smoothly

"Very well then, I was expecting such an answer knowing my son" he says as he receives a call excusing himself

I stare at Nathan,my mouth wide open as he faces me with a blank expression as his dad walks back into the room

"Well,I'll have to go now something came up, I just came to check up on you both, I'll be taking my leave now"he says as I escort him to the door

Once he left I face Nathan with a questioned expression on my face

"What on earth was that?" I ask as he just stares at me

"Why on earth would you tell him that when we haven't discussed about it" I say

"Whats there to discuss about?" He ask as I scoff in disbelief

"You don't get to make decisions for me" I say as he rolls his eyes laying back on the couch with a carefree expression

Out of anger I walk straight to him grabbing him by his collar as I lean in

"Listen rich kid, you don't come here and start behaving like some sort of boss,right in this fucking house I might not be the boss of this house but I sure won't let you make descions for me, so get that into your fucking head" I say using two fingers to poke him on his head as I let his collar go

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