Chapter Twenty-Two

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I wake up with an headache
Uhhh.....this headaches a killer
I groan tossing the sheets off me.

I go to the bathroom taking a quick shower to refresh myself

I dress up putting on a black suit, a white shirt underneath with matching black trousers.....

I walk down the stairs trying to adjust my suit when I heard the tv.....uhh?, it's on?...I guess I left it on yesterday.....but I left Ayo in the living room yesterday.....I guess he left the tv on then

I walk into the living room letting out a shriek.....Ayo is there staring at the tv screen like a maniac

"Dude did you sleep in my house last night?" I ask as he nods

"I wouldn't say sleep,buh yeah" Ayo replies....I let out a groan as I look for the remote

"Damn dude, your girl has nice taste" Ayo says once again not taking his eyes off the screen

"Uhn?" I ask clearly confused,still searching for the remote control

"These kdramas that she watches are really really really really nice, you need to start watching them too, quite a unique and interesting way of acting and filming. You never get bored literally" Ayo says as I roll my eyes

"Korean dramas?,seriously?" I ask clearly in disbelief, Ayo doesn't do those kind of things. He is mostly into wrestling and violence not sappy shit like kdramas

"Yeah dude, there girls are fine pieces of meat plus there are action kdramas also and it's damn.....not the Indian type of action movies" he says and I chuckle
I sigh as I finally find the remote.

Switching off the tv I get curses from Ayo, smirking I walk into the kitchen Ayo tailing behind like a lost puppy

"Come on dude, why are you doing me like this?"He asks as I just chuckle shrugging
"I have a meeting soon and I have to leave soon and you as I am leaving you go home and have a shower then you can continue to watch your kdramas at your house instead of watching them at my house" I say as I make a sandwich for myself

"Fuck you, I'm leaving right now" he says walking out the door

I chuckle finishing the last of my sandwich. I get up picking up my keys I walk out the door on queue my PA calls

"Yeah on my way" I say picking up the call,not letting her speak I cut the call walking into my car.
I don't use drivers, the only reason I hired a driver was because of Kishi...Ahhh!!!, I had promised myself that I wouldn't think about her at all today and look at me....well, it's not my fault that all my thought relate to her right?

The drive from my house to the hotel wasn't a far drive like I had expected with surprised me a little

I stop my car In front of the hotel, walking out of my car I toss my keys to a worker so they can park my car well

I walk in climbing the stairs, my PA and guards with a few of my workers behind me already... we walk into the hotel greeting the people we came to have a meeting with

"Yes, Mr Omowunmi I hear there is now a Mrs Omowunmi" he says as they all chuckle while I just give a polite smile,please shall we not bring up Kishi again through out this meeting I wanted to say but I couldn't

"Ohhh.... it looks like you brought her along" the man says looking behind me.
I that?

"Kishi?" I say out loud as I hear her curse under her breath lookin at me with wide eyes, she immediately stops talking to a lady turning around she runs to the elevator hitting the button furiously

"Please excuse me" I excuse myself running after her seeing that the elevator was already opening and she was getting in

The elevator began to close as I place my hands in the middle to stop the elevator, it stops closing and opens back up. I adjust my suit and enter the elevator as it closes.

20 seconds later....

"Dramatic much...." I hear her mutter as I scoff

"Dramatic?,I'm Dramatic?, I'm not the one who ran away from her home just because of a fucking peck from her husband" I mutter a little louder so she could hear me,she stares at me wide eyed probably not expecting me to bring up the topic.

I don't know why but I'm livid right now and I can't calm myself down

She just faces front and stares at the elevator door

"You are such a-" she was cut off by the elevator shaking

"What's going on?" She asks looking at me wide eyed

"I don't know,we are in here together aren't we so how could I possibly know?"I state the obvious as she rolls her eyes

"This is my second time in an elevator and my first time was yesterday so I was thinking that maybe the person that literally takes an elevator everyday could be able to at least know or assume a problem" she talks back and It's my turn to roll my eyes

"Just because I take the elevator frequently doesn't mean I know everything about and how it works" I talk back to her
She lets out a shriek as the elevator shakes again even worse than the first time

After like 30 seconds a voice coming from the speaker in the elevator says

"Attention, to anyone inside the elevator, we are facing minor difficulties with the elevator,please stay calm, the problem will be resolved in no time" the voice says cutting off afterwards

Just great!!!, I'm stuck here with Kishi. Kishi!!!

I sigh at the same time she sighs, the silence was literally choking me and it felt like it was getting hard to breath

"You just know how to rile people up,after insulting me constantly you come home yesterday and start talking shit then you kiss me without my permission" Kishi finally breaks the silence

"Well, I did say some stupid shit yesterday but I didn't kiss you without your permission, I asked" I try to defend my self

"Oh yeah, how?"she asks as I clear my throat trying to think of something to say

"Uhmm....with my eyes?"i say more like a question than an answer

She scoffs eyeing me
"But you answered me, you told me to go for it" I say once again


"You nodded your head, remember?, you were the one that nodded your head giving me the permission, you nodded your head" I say as she widens her eyes


End of chapter guys!!!!!

Do not worry, the next chapter will soon be posted

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