Chapter Thirty Two

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"I still can't believe I'll be going abroad and most especially to Korea" I hear Kemi scream from the phone

"Broda calms" I say trying to hold in my own squeal

I was on the phone with Kemi and we've been talking for close to an hour about the whole trip and what we'll love to do there

"Look oo, I will do TikTok like crazy and you're going to join me, in fact I have already started picking challenges to do" Kemi continues to ramble and all I do is laugh at her

Me and Nathan.....well mostly Nathan I've been planning the trip for about three days and the day is fast approaching.
Me and Kemi have planned to go shopping for the trip but we aren't sure yet whether Khabby would join, she hasn't even told me if she was coming with us on the trip but I've asked her

I'm guessing I should give her space so she can recover and gather her thoughts

"So tomorrow we go shopping right?" She asks once again as I just roll my eyes over the phone

"I don't think we need that much shopping oo, maybe all those jackets that they wear over there to keep them warm and maybe some tops and jeans that's all oo" I say as I literally hear her scoff

"Whatever jhor, I'm cutting the call....I have to go and prepare for some things" she says quickly cutting the call

What that was about, I don't know

I just shrug walking upstairs to start to prepare for the expected trip.

Nathan went to work today, I expected it, maybe because of the way i annoyed him so much the last time he decided to work from home

But the house was kinda boring and it made me feel lonely

After I get back from the trip I'll start working again. I think my break from working is over now sooo I'm going to discuss it with Nathan when he gets back so after the trip I'll get to work.

I hear the door open and close and I quickly rush downstairs

I get down to see Nathan standing there

He shouldn't be home by now, he left like 2 hours ago

"You don't look so happy to see your favorite person" He says as I playfully scoff going to grab his bag

"why are you back so early?" I ask unconscious to the fact that I was sounding like a wife, an interrogative wife for that matter....

If he noticed he didn't pick me on it and just answered my question like it was usual for someone to ask this

"Uhhhmm, kinda got bored in the office" He says rubbing his neck with his hands

"Bored?, at work?" I question as he shrugs like he also didn't understand what happened

"'re here now so there's no need to get deep into this" I quickly end the whole situation and direct him inside cause he has been standing at the door steps since our conversation began.

Ooopps my mistake

"Any news about your friend?" He asks probably asking about Khabby cause he needed to know if she was coming or not

"Uhmmm not yet-" I begin to say but he groans face palming

"Come on Kishi I told you already we need to-" he starts but I cut him off just like he did to me

"Yeah I know, we need to know whether she is coming so we can prepare, cause the trip is fast approaching and it's like in two or three days, and that if I tell you late she won't be able to come" I say repeating exactly what he was about to say....I knew this because he had said it a thousand times...

"Then since you know, you need to ask her....enough with the space stuff just go and ask right now...." he says as I slowly nod sighing as I pick up my phone and start dialing her number


I'm not ready to go all the way to her house for such a simple question....I'm too lazy for that

I hold my breath waiting for her to pick up the phone... I really hope she doesn't cause it's so awkward

"Hello" I hear a tiny voice say and immediately all my awkwardness melted away

"Khabbyyyyy are you alright?, are you feeling better now?...." I ask hopefully

"Yeah,thanks a lot for giving me space...I'm getting better. I was even about to call you?" She says as I scrunch my face in confusion

Call me?,me?

"Me? Why?" I ask as she giggles a little

Glad to hear she's getting better

"Well, I've decided to go to that trip, the trip you were talking about" she says and I could literally see her smile from over the phone

"Really?" I ask in disbelief

I hear footsteps from behind me as I turn to face Nathan, he mouths to me but I don't catch it as I throw him a confused look and avert my gaze from him

"Yeah, I think the vacation is needed. Who would decline an all expensed paid trip around the world, and most of all who would dare refuse a trip to Korea...that's like my life long dream and I ain't passing it up for anything even a bad breakup" she says confidently as I let a grin appear on my face

Finally!!!, she's back you guys!!!, my best friend is back!!!

"Now that's what I'm talking about. By the way Kemi insist on shopping tomorrow since the trip is like three days away sooo you up?" I ask as I hear her squeal

"For sure bae, thanks for inviting me, I'll be sure to come....after all it's shopping" she squeals as I just chuckle returning my gaze to Nathan as he still tries to do some kind of sign language...

I wave him off walking into the kitchen to continue my talk with Khabby

I didn't realize I missed her so much until we started to talk about everything and anything...although I know she's trying her best to get over it but I can still hear the pain in her voice and it's hurts so much...

End of chapter guys😪

Sorry for the late update....This chapter was kind of boring abi?

But don't worry there's more to come😘

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