Chapter Fifty

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2 weeks later:


I’m freaking out!! In fact freaking out should be an understatement to what I’m feeling right now. How on earth I’m I supposed to face Nathans mum after all I have said and done to her…I should have thought things through before opening my mouth and saying rubbish but I can’t really blame myself right, at that time marrying Nathan seemed like the worst thing that could ever happen to me and I didn’t expect in a million years that I would actually fall in love with Nathan.

Right now we are on our way to a family dinner hosted by the Omowunmis’ themselves…my parents are also going to be there. I don’t even know why they invited us to have dinner with them cause as far as I know we haven’t told anyone except our friends that we were now actually a couple…except Nathan went to inform them behind my back which I know he hasn’t.

   “Kishi calm down!!, I can practically feel you shaking…there’s nothing to be so scared of” Nathan says trying to calm me down but it’s not helping at all

“easy for you to say…you’re not the one who practically insulted her and disrespected her in the worst way possible” I mutter quietly but still loud enough for Nathan to hear.

“I’m pretty sure my mum will understand what you had been going through and would have probably forgiven you by now” Nathan tries to assure me but it doesn’t  work and i am still freaking out!!!1 it’s going to be so embarrassing if she tells me to get out of our house or treats me like shit or gives this wicked mother in law kind of vibe.

“it’s going to be fine I assure you” Nathan says once again and I just nod my head trying to calm myself down…Lord please help me 

30 minutes late

I converse with Nathan trying to distract myself from the fear I was feeling right now.  

 “so we’ve agreed that I am getting a job right?” I ask walking towards the doorstep of Nathans parent house…this topic had been a serious issue for the past two weeks. When I brought it up for the first time he was totally against the idea for no particular reason and it took me a lot of time and effort to convince him to consider the idea of me getting a job. Although he agreed to consider it he still hasn’t given me any feedbacks on his consideration, but since I don’t really have a university certificate, I am thinking of starting my own fashion design business since I love to make clothes and also possibly starting my own brand…I told Nathan this idea about a week ago after careful consideration but he hasn’t still givn me a reply which is so annoying.

I am bringing up to topic now cause it’s the only topic capable of getting my mind off the disaster that’s going to occur soon. 

Nathan doesn’t answer me and walks straight ahead like I hadn’t asked him a question…I glare at him but he doesn’t spare me a glance probably trying to avoid this topic. I’m going to cut him some slack today cause I’m not in the right mood to argue considering im about to walk into an epic disaster dinner.

Although I am frightened, I have decided on how to act when I see them. After a lot of thinking and planning I have decided to not act overly friendly and nice cause that’s just going to be weird and uncomfortable for everyone…instead I’m going to act like my normal self, I’m going to be respectful and nice in an average manner.

I take in a deep breath as Nathan rings the door bell…I wait patiently for the door to open and reveal the angry face of his mother. About thirty seconds later the door opens revealing Mrs Omowunmi putting on an apron with a smile etched on her face me being startled by the smile and trying to figure out if it was fake or real…and it looked pretty realistic to me. 

I recover from my state of shock and confusion and put on a smile of my home feeling kind of relieved that she didn’t greet me with a scowl on her face.

“come in, come in, welcome to our humble abode aka the house that Nathan grew up in” she says excitedly opening the door wider for both of us to come in. Oh my gosh is this some kind of evil plan cause why is she being so nice?

She pulls Nathan in for a hug as they kind of share this mother and son greeting and then after parting turns to face me with the same loving smile and gives me a hug too. 

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Next update would be out soon


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