Chapter Fourty Six

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Kishi's POV

Tossing and turning on my bed all night, I finally decide to face reality that I am not going to get any form of sleep this morning considering the fact I also hadn’t slept all night also

I get up deciding not to roll around all day and do something to get my mind off Nathan

I recall the conversation I had with my best friends yesterday, it went okay I guess…surprisingly okay and I also got to pour out all the things I had been keeping from them for a long time. I told them of how indecisive I felt about loving Nathan and also of how concerned I am about the whole issue in general

If I was to be honest with myself…my friends were not of much help to me…they kept saying the normal thing to say to someone in my position, things like ‘follow your heart’, ‘just believe in yourself’, ‘take your time since he said he was going to wait’, they said stuffs like that which didn’t really make me feel better at all

I look at myself in the mirror as I enter my bathroom…I looked like SHIT, my eyes were red and puffy and I eye bags under my eyes. My face looked pale and rough, my braids looked tangled and rough. In other words I looked like I had just come out of the walking dead movie.

I decide to freshen up and have a nice refreshing bath then maybe find something to do in this godforsaken house.

I finish bathing in less than fifteen minutes and dressing up in less than ten minutes. I decide to catch up on my reading time as per novels, since it had been quite some time since I read a novel.

I sit in Nathan’s home office reading my novel but unfortunately I can’t seem to concentrate. It is so bad that I had still been in the same page for about thirty minutes. Why? 

Maybe it’s because my mind keeps drifting to a certain idiot who can’t seem to take care of himself and ends up worrying everybody with his situation. By everyone I mean mostly me

I sigh shutting my book close and finally deciding to visit Nathan at his office…for staters I miss him so much and im so worried about him at the same time. He wont have a problem with me being there right?

I decide to call Ayomi to confirm if Nathan was in his office so my going to his office won’t be a waste of my time. He confirms that as at a few minutes ago Nathan was in his office and wasn’t planning on going anywhere even for lunch…he said that he was just in his office drowning himself in unnecessary work that don’t even need to be done for about five years…

I make up my mind to pay him a visit saying that I just wanted to bring him lunch…I’ll come up with a reason in the car but for now I need to go and prepare a meal for him and dress at least presentable enough to meet him and his employees.

I quickly make a nice meal for him and go on to dress nice, wearing a dress and putting on a little makeup

I grin as I apply the powder to my cheeks suddenly feeling energized just by thinking of meeting him. When I’m done with everything including packing his food into a lunch box…I immediately get into the car, the driver driving me to his office as I wait patiently for me to get there…

The driver parks in front of the company and I alight thanking him as he drove off…I take a deep breath and enter into the huge building taking  a look at the huge company…surprisingly they let me in probably recognizing me as Nathan’s wife or something.

I get the floor that he is in from his secretary and take an elevator to go the top floor trying to calm myself as I prepare to meet Nathan

I get off the elevator after reaching my desired destination and walk down the hallway not forgetting to greet all the people I set my eyes on…I’m near his office when I am suddenly stopped by someone…

“wait…who are you and what are you doing on this floor” the strange man questions me as I immediately try to reply but gets shut up again

“ohhh…you’re one of those girls abi? Those girls that will be sneaking in here just to see the boss, I should have known when I saw you waling to the bosses office. I have been telling this people since that they should strengthen the security in this company but no one ever listens to me” he starts to ramble as I try to defend myself once again

“what are you talking about?, I am the-“ I start to say but was cut off once again by this rubbish man 

“I don’t want to hear it jhor…I’ll call security now so they can chase you out of the office” he says grabbing my hands

Abi is this man crazy ni?... I’m about to shout out him but I’m stopped by a voice

“What on earth is going on here?” a voice shouts as I immediately pause recognizing  the voice immediately…Nathan!!!

I turn my head to face his and he widens his eyes in shock his gaze fixated on me, but then his gaze shifts to the mans hands holding mine then back to my eyes 

“Robert release her hands this instant” Nathan commands his voice loud as ever 

He might look frightening to others right now but to me he looks freaking sexy

‘Roberts’ immediately lets go of my hands positioning himself upright in fear

I move a step away from him and turn to face Nathan anger written all over his face

“don’t you know the difference between the person to chase out and the person to let in?” Nathan starts to scold him as I just stare at him in pure awe

“she isn’t just someone you can throw out or treat anyhow, this is my wife we’re talking about” he states as Roberts gasp turning to stare at me with wide eyes but my focus his elsewhere…at Nathan 

Just hearing him call me his wife made those feelings come again…the feeling that I felt the last time we talk…those feeling came souring back to life with fool force spreading like wildfire around my body making my heart flutter and my butterflies grow in my stomach…I didn’t know what those feelings were before but know I do…it’s love…pure love

I block out whatever they were discussing still marveled at my discovery…I love Nathan?

I love Nathan.

I feel myself being dragged away but I pay no attention to it still shocked about what I had discovered 

I try to get myself back to reality realizing that Nathan had been talking to me all along…or more like shouting at me…I immediately tune in to the conversation

“-why didn’t you just tell him that you’re my wife…are you embarassed-“ he continues to say as I cut him off blurting out what I had never expected to blurt out in my entire life 


Thanks for reading

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