Chapter Five

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I sit down in the living room just thinking about my life, I mean who new my life could take a huge turn in a matter of  days.

I can't even concentrate on the movie I'm watching on my phone and believe me when I say that that's a huge problem cause I love movies a lot,I check my battery percentage just to find out that it's almost dead. Uhhh, when NEPA will not bring their foolish light, for three days now there has been no light, how I managed to keep my phone on till today still baffles me

Gosh, the heat in this house is just crazy,I feel like I could melt right here and right now, so I decide to go out to get fresh breeze outside,as I stand up that's when someone barges in,I look up to see kemi and kabberat

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask awkwardly as I sit back down

I've been trying to avoid them, I mean what would I say when they ask me about what's
been going on cause I can't hide it from them because the news is everywhere and you know how kabberat loves magazines she'd have probably found out by now and of course she must have told Kemi sooo......

"What sought of question is that, Kishi you've been ignoring us for days now and we are worried about you, we heard the news it's all over social media"Kabberat says coming to my side
I just sigh and rest my head on khabby's lap

"Like seriously I don't even understand what you're talking about, like first Kishi is lonely with no love life whatsoever and Boom !!Boom!!!Boom!!!! She's getting married to some rich guy" kemi says as a matter of fact

"He his not just some rich guy, he is the richest in Lagos state or maybe even Nigeria as far as I know" kabberat states

"Exactly!!, isn't that totally weird , no offense ooo but why would Mr Richest want to marry you out of all the hot models and actresses he could possibly have?, he will now pick you from Abule(village), in fact where did he find you that he wants to marry you, where did he walk reach?" kemi asks in total confusion

Ouch!, way to be so blunt and honest

"Gosh, that hurt like a bitch" I say eyeing her a little

"No like seriously where exactly did he find you from cause I don't think a rich guy like him can ever step foot in this village of ours. You are a cute, beautiful hottie and any man will die for you but still where exactly could you have possibly met?" She comment me then asks

"His mom owns the place I work and he comes there from time to time" I say as I heave a big sigh

"Kishi please tell us everything now, you're leaving us in the dark" kabberat pleads

"It's a long story ooo" I say

"Does it look like we have anything better to do" kemi asks as I start to explain what happened

After I was done, I finally raised my head up to look at their faces

They looked kinda sad but they didn't pity me and I liked that

"Gosh Kishi you've been through so much" kabberat says hugging me

"That's so sad girl, I can't believe you have to marry some rich ugly guy" kemi says as she patts my head

I chuckle a little as kabberat laughs hysterically

"Whats so funny?" Kemi asks looking at us weirdly

I might hate him ooo, but ugly and Nathaniel should not be put in the same sentence, it should be against the law" I say chuckling even more

Nathaniel and I are enemies but I can't deny the fact that he is a handsome, beautiful hottie

"Oh please, stop your exaggeration" kike says rolling her eyes

"She's not exaggerating,the guy is one fine piece of meat, he won the most HBSS in Nigeria" kabberat says immediately picking up her phone to show Kemi a picture of him

"What's HBS" kike ask as I literally face palmed myself
"It means Handsome,Beautiful, sexiest specimen" I say

I thought I was the unsocial and socially awkward person in the group but now I know that I know a lot more than Kemi

"Is he that hot?" kemi asks already feeling giddy about this information

See mumu asking obvious question

"Kabby abeg show her picture let her stop asking foolish questions" I say as kemi gives me eye

What na? abi I'm I lying

"I know ah, is that not what I'm looking for" Kabberat says hissing in frustration

"Pele ooo madam"I say as she chuckles

"Yes!!!, have found it" kabby shouts handing the phone over to kemi

"Jesus!!!"kemi screams falling on the floor
Kike and her over dramatic attitude
"What's your own, stand up jo" Kabberat says as kike stands up still keeping her mouth wide open

"Babe, so what's your problem" kemi says looking me weirdly

"What are you talking about?" I ask obviously confused

"Ahn ahn you have this hot rich guy as a husband and you are here complaining like mumu" kemi says hissing loudly

See what's coming out from this girls mouth

"That's not the point,she doesn't love him so you can't blame her" kabby says defending me

See correct friend than this idiot I call my friend

"Love ko Love ni, If there's money there's no need for love jor"Kemi says with a long hiss

In fact i feel like kicking her out of the house right now
"Can we just stop talking about it and talk about something else" I ask laying back down
" guys, I have to tell you something" khabby says as we both turn to her

"What?" I say smiling
"Well......I have.....I have" khabby stammers

"Whats all this na say it if you want o say it abi why are you stammering" Kemi says obviously irritated

"Well I have a boyfriend" khabby splutters our as I stare at her In shock

In my entire life I never thought khabby will have a crush talk less of bf

"Mad ooooo, you kabeerat have bf, who would have imagined"Kemi says as she starts to laugh

"Oya oya ooo tell us who he his and how it happened



End of the chapter guys

Sorry for the late update

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