Chapter Nineteen

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I roll around my bed trying to get myself back to sleep but the sleeps all gone, I finally open my eyes yawning like an wild pig. When suddenly it dawns in me as I look around
This isn't my room, why I'm I not in my room?,what's going on?, why I'm I here?.....

I close my eyes trying to remember what happened yesterday that I ended up here and that's when I remember........

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" I let out a scream I couldn't control from coming out

Oh no, oh no,ohhhhh no no no no no
I'm screwed, I can't believe I slept on his  disgusting bed and kissed him well kind of kissed him yesterday....I feel so ashamed and embarrassed

What I'm I going to say when I see him, I'm the one that nodded my head like a freak yesterday like an idiot.

What should I do??, Okay I got it!!!

1. get out of his room right now

I immediately get up sprinting out of his room like it just caught fire

2. Go get dress and pack your bags

I start packing my bag as I try to dress at the same time

3. JAPA!!!!!!!! (RUN!!!!!!)

I sprint out of the house ignoring the driver and hailing a taxi immediately grabbing my suitcase, I place it in the boot of the car got in and zoom,we out!!.

I have no idea where I'm going to but it's my best option right now, thank goodness we didn't do anything other than kind of kiss which I am already regretting. I can't believe the way I nodded my head like I was hypnotized by his words but like I can't also forget all the things he said yesterday which is making me even more confused and embarrassed.
I can't believe I fell for some stupid rhymes and puns he must have formed up in his head on his way home yesterday, if people hear me they might think I'm crazy cause we didn't do anything but we kind of kissed and that alone makes me want to puke all over the car...

"Madam, where you won go, I don dey drive for 30 minutes when I no get direction" the taxi driver says snapping me out of my thoughts

I think through, I can't go to my friends place cause they'll ask questions which I am not ready to answer plus I can't go to my parent house soooo

"Nearest hotel please" I say as the driver nods eyeing me suspiciously like I was a criminal. I don't blame him, I ran into his car with a suitcase case like I was running from the police and then I ask him to take me to an hotel so that's kinda suspicious....

I come out of the taxi, paying the driver his money and entering the hotel.

Before I would have never dreamed of entering an hotel because of the huge amount of money but right now I have the money to afford it and that feels great.

After registering and doing the necessary things to get a room, I enter into my room looking around, it is absolutely stunning the view of outside, you would never believe that this is Nigeria. I stare a little more and then turn facing the huge bed. Is this what luxury looks and feels like?,cause I'm loving the feeling.

I pounce on the bed feeling so comfy.

I let out a sigh, I can't believe I'm enjoying this because I'm running away from my husband because we kind of kissed , anybody hearing this right now would think I'm crazy, I order food and decide the call my friends ready to tell somebody about what happened before I blow up...

After about an hour of doing nothing, I hear a knock on my door as I go to open it, i was greeted by two loving frowns of my best friends.

"Why on earth are you in a hotel room?" Khabby immediately asks as I open the door for both of them to come in

"Because I'm running away" I say as if trying to state the obvious
I'm quite a character ain't I

"Well we know that but why?" Kemi says sitting on the bed while Khabby in the chair

"Well, because I kind of kissed Nathaniel" I say shrugging like I did not  just say the most embarrassing thing ever.....they both stare at me shock written on their faces

"Kissed?.... with you number one enemy?......well that's something you don't hear everyday" Kemi says smirking as I glare at her

"Kind of, you're forgetting the kind of" I remind her as she waves her hands up in the hair dismissively

"How did that even happen, come on give me details" Khabby asks as I sigh loudly ready to give them a preview of what happened yesterday leaving out the part where I nodded my head like a freak

"Wow.....He really said all that?, well that's just crazy if you ask me cause you guys literally fought some hours before that" Khabby said as I nod my head agreeing with her

"I know right, why would he say such things, it was so weird hearing it come out from his mouth" I say resting my head on Kemi's shoulders

"But why run away?, why did you not wait and find out why he said that?, I mean you didn't even share a kiss properly, he slept when you were about to start the real kissing soooo there's practically no reason for you to run away" Kemi says as I look at her wide eyed

"Instinct I guess plus what on earth would I say when I see him after what happened it would be too embarrassing for me" I say sigh once again resting my head back on her shoulders

"What's wrong with that, you kind of kissed with a guy so what?, plus he's your husband" Kemi says

"Correction, fake husband, he's my fake husband" I say drawing the line

"Technically he's not your fake husband since you're married legally to him" Khabby says stating the obvious

Yeah Einstein I get it, but like morally and emotionally he's not my husband, I don't care what the law says all I know is that he's not my husband

I groan laying my back on the bed

"You guys are not solving my problem here, I asked what to do now?, cause sooner or later I know I'd have to still go back unless they'd probably stop sending the money to my parent and sisters which obviously they still need, then my sacrifice would be pointless...

I wonder if he's noticed that I'm gone or whether he's looking for me right now or he found out and doesn't give a fuck knowing I'll still come back or he just doesn't care.....

"Well, you're right about one thing which is you'll still have to go back but I suggest you have a break from each other for a while to kill the tension between you two cause I'm sure if you go there now, I'm pretty sure nothing good is going to come out from it" Khabby advises me as I give her a smile

"Thanks b, that's a really good idea" I say as she nods hugging me

Kemi stands as Khabby also gets up

"I guess we should probably take our leave now if we don't wanna get home late " Kemi says hugging me as I escort them to the door

"Say hello to lover boy when you see him next" Kemi says winking at me as I slam the door on her face

She can be such a bitch sometimes....

I lay down on my bed ready for sleep to
overwhelm me trying to get Nathan and the whole situation surrounding him out of my head


Hope you enjoyed this chapter guys

Nathaniel's POV is up next ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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