Chapter Fourty

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"You feeling better?" Nathan asks as I nod feeling great.
I sigh in contempt as the wind hits my face once again

We were at the beach right now and it felt amazing by the way
Although I couldn't get in the water with the others I was still enjoying the wind and aura of the beach.

I was really happy that Nathan had decided to join me knowing that I couldn't play I the water like the rest because of my period.

Him being nice and caring just made my day at the beach even much more better

"You love the beach?" He asks as I nod smiling at him as I turn to face him

"It's kind of obvious actually" he tells me as I scrunch my face in confusion

"Obvious?, What?" I ask out loud as he just shrugs

"You loving the beach is obvious" he clarified as I just nod in realization

"How is it obvious" I pester him as he shrugs once again

Swrs, what's with this guy and shrugging

"You facial expression, it's reads contempt and just pure happiness I your smile is something else as per pretty obviously" he blurts our at once rambling the last part

He thinks my smile is pretty?. I know I'm a pretty girl but him telling me that my smile is pretty just makes it much clearer I guess

All I know is that him complimenting me makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine

"Thanks, I don't like yours on the other hand" I playfully say, he frowns as he playfully places his hands on his chest feigning hurt

"I love the beach, it's peaceful...nice and just awesome, thanks for bringing me here" I express my gratitude smiling once again

He joins me to smile as we both just stare at the scenery and at each other smiling

"Uhm?,about the other night?" He says and my smile immediately turns to a frown

Shit!!, He brought it up
Kishi!!, play it cool

"What about it?" I ask tryin to play the I don't know what you're talking about card

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Kishi" Nathan just gives me a serious look telling me his not ready for my shenanigans

"You just had to bring it up didn't you?. You can forget about it if you feel like cause it's not like we kissed sooo, something was wrong with me and it must have been the situation and position we were in I just felt like kissing you I guess and I got carried away....sorry I guess " I say as smoothly as I could

"Uhmm?, I do not know how to react to that, I thought it was a moment kind of thing" he says in an awkward manner but I decide to not let it affect me...I tried my best to explain, if he feels awkward then he can go and do whatever he wants to do

"But it was kind of a moment thing soo you weren't exactly wrong" I ask as he just nods

"I felt it too you know?, the kind of moment thingy" he tells me as I stare at him dumbstruck

He felt it too?, I wasn't the only one?

"So I was thinking that why don't we just get it over with, get it out of our systems" he mutters as I widen my eyes in realization to what he was talking about

Does he want to kiss me?, now?

"What?, that's not what friends do?" I say trying to laugh such an absurd reason off as he stares at me in a serious manner

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