Chapter Nine

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My phone is literally blowing up with calls from people that I don't even know, some who wants to be my friend and people who want to greet and my parents but I answered none

I used to like Zee-world though sometimes it dumb but now k-drama for life!!!!!

Kemi introduced me to k-drama and I literally fell in love 😍

While I'm at home all day watching k-drama, Nathaniel is somewhere doing something that I don't know about

We haven't spoken to him in two days and I'm sick and tired of it, I'm bored like sh*t and I have no idea what to do

I hear the door open and close as I get up to see who came in

"Nathaniel" I say as he looks up with his normal scornful look

I'm soo happy his here, despite the fact I hate him the house is just to boring and big to leave alone

"Wow,you look really happy to see me" Nathaniel says smirking

"Yeah,I am" I say as his smirk disappears reading a shocked face

"What?......Whatever I don't even care, we'll be going to a party tomorrow so I'm going to give a credit card to go fix yourself" he says throwing a credit card right on my face

I scoff pulling my middle finger at him,he places his hands on his feigning hurt as I roll my eyes walking out of the living room

What a pr*ck!!

Can someone be that annoying in this life,I walk up to my room ready to continue my marathon of K-drama but decide to watch it in the living room because it's more spacious

I get popcorn and I sit down on the couch ready for my marathon to start

***Time skip*****1hour later

"Noooo,don't jump cause he doesn't love you!!!" I scream at the tv screen

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!,why did she jump" i scream again

"What's with all the stupid yelling" Nathaniel says looking angry as ever


"Ohhh, sorry I was watching something" I say going back the my movie

"Oh my, don't tell me you watching Chinese rubbish" he says sitting beside me with disgust on his face

I squint my eyes at him

"Excuse me?, first off this isn't Chinese's but Korean" I state clearly irritated

"Yada Yada,potato potato" he says smirking

"And second off it is not rubbish but a blessing from the lord to bring happiness to the people watching, have you ever even watched it before that you're judging  it" I ask as he nods his head sideways

This boy does not know what he's missing

"This guy is not even fine,I'm definitely finer than him" he says as I immediately turn to look at him eyeing him from up to down before I burst out laughing

"You, compared to him, you're piece of sh*t" I say laughing even more

"I can't believe you just compared yourself to a Korean actor, like you're dreaming" I say as I sober up wiping tears from my eyes

I admit Nathaniel is really handsome but he can't be compared to a Korean actor

He looked slightly offended but he covered it up with a scoff standing up and walking away

I watch his exiting figure and chuckle a bit, he's behaving like a child

***Time skip*****

"Madam" i hear someone say as I turn to face Elizabeth the cook

"Yeah" I say slightly rubbing my eyes

"Food don ready" she says walking away, I  thank her and stand up getting ready to eat
As I walk to the dining,I hear Nathan coming down the stairs

"Elizabeth, what are we having for dinner!!" He screams as I roll my eyes going to sit at the dining, some seconds later Nathaniel greets me with his presence as I scoff and he scowls

Elizabeth serves the food as we eat in silence until he starts making irritating sounds while he ate, I tried to endure it but it became even more annoying

"Please keep it down" I say the noise getting on my nerves, he pretends like he did not hear me and he became even louder

"Stop!!" I shout banging my fist on the table with anger

He looks up, drops his cutleries and faces me sighing

"What is your problem?" He asked me as I scoff in disbelief

Me?, what's my problem? or what's his problem?

"I kindly told you to stop making noise while eating but you refused and made noise even you find that funny" I say irritated

"I don't have your time right now" he says hissing

"You're sappy mood swings Is unneeded" I say getting up taking my plate to the kitchen

I walk out seeing Nathan still in the dining

"I'm just trying to at least try and talk even though we aren't actually married for love and all, we can at least not hate each other and make it a peaceful environment" I say walking towards him
He drops his cutlery on the table as he faces me his expression screaming anger and irritation

"You don't get it do you, There can never ever be a peaceful environment between us. I hate you, i can't stand you at all" He says getting up

"Why so much hatred, why?!!" I scream at him as he looks at me unfazed

"because this is all your fault,you ruined my life, i can't do anything fun because now I have a fucking wife" he screams at me with rage

"Why are you blaming everything on me, have you forgotten that you also agreed to the marriage it's not as if they dragged you to the altar with a gun pointed to your head, you went don't blame me for everything cause you also ruined my life..this is more of your fault than it's mine"I say walking upstairs

I go to my room locking the door behind me

I scream as I plunge on my bed with frustration as tears threaten to fall but I don't let it

Marriage sucks especially if it's not someone you love


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