Chapter Twenty-One

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Thanks for the reads guys ☺️☺️
This chapter is going to half of Nathan's POV and the rest of Kishi's POV...Enjoy🎊🎊

Nathaniel POV
"I LIKE HER?" I say more like a question than a statement

That can't be possible

"Yeah dude, you fucking like her and soon you'll love her, and then I'll have little nieces and nephews all-" I cut him off shoving a slice of bread into his mouth
"You talk to much" I say walking down stumbling a little

"Woah dude you okay?" Ayo ask grabbing me by my hand to steady me

I can't possibly like her right?

"Oh no, I need to do something" I say not realizing that I had said that out loud

"Do what?, cause knowing you, I know what you want to do" Ayo says as I stand on my own shrugging his hand off

"I'm gonna get rid of these feelings" Ayo and I say at the same time

I stare at him with disbelief

"Don't look at me like that, we've known each other since birth" Ayo says walking over to the living room

"So you agree with me?" I ask as I hear him scoff from the living room, I also walking to the living room

"Of course I don't, you sound stupid. Get rid of the feelings, it's doesn't work like that plus what's so bad in liking her, from what I've heard of her since you won't let me meet her, she sounds pretty cool" he says and I laugh hysterically

"What you've heard, I've never said anything good about her" I say as he nods confirming what I said

"I know that but anything you tell me I believe the opposite cause I know you and your overreacting attitude" he says as I laugh for real this time

"Fucking bastard" I swear at him shoving him aside so I could sit

"Look dude just talk to her and sort things out" he says I nod my head in disapproval

No way, I'm not gonna do that at all

"Nope, I'm gonna get rid of it" I say as he nods his head in approval

"good luck, you do that" he says turning on the tv

"That's it?" I ask disappointed by him giving up so quickly

"Yeah, What do you expect me to do, kneel and beg. No way dude" he says concentrating on the tv

To be honest I kinda want someone to pressure me to not go through with my idea but I guess that's not gonna happen

"Well I'm gonna-" I was cut off by my phones ring tone

I get up going back to the bar where I had left my phone
Picking it up I check for the caller ID to see my PA Stacey calling

"Yeah" I say picking up the phone

"Good evening sir" she greets

"Talk quickly" I say

"Uhm you have a meeting in Lofers hotel tomorrow by 10 in the morning. I'm informing you cause it's not on your schedule cause it was recently booked" she says

"Okay, if that would be all, I'll end the call" I say cutting the call

"I'm told you to stop talking to your employees like that" Ayo screams from the living room

"Go fuck yourself , I'm going to bed" I shout back

"So early?" He asks as I hear him laugh

"Fuck you!" I shout flipping him off, walking up the stairs

"You must be really tired from all the revelations, you need the rest" he shouts once again

"Leave me the fuck alone and get the fuck out of my house" I shout back

"No way, I need to make sure you don't run to look for your baby" he shouts back

"Fucking dickface, I freaking hate you"

"I love you too"

I hiss walking up to my room

Has I lay down I can't stop thinking of Kishi



I wake up the next morning feeling sleep deprived

I didn't have a wink of sleep until around five this morning and the time is seven right now

Fucking Nathan getting in my head all the time. I kept having dreams or should I call them nightmares of me and Nathan laughing on the beach and behaving like real couples

I shiver at the thought of it and stand getting ready to bath

After I'm through having my luxury bath I get dressed

I order my food from the telephone places on a bedside table with instructions written on them

After I'm through they come to pack the plate as I thank them

Laying on the bed with nothing to do I think of my situation and why I am in an hotel right now. I can't help but wonder if Nathan actually like me and wants to be with me, it makes sense kind of considering all the things he said the day before yesterday and him being weird about me going out every-time and coming back home late. I quickly shrug the idea off knowing that Nathan couldn't possibly like someone like me considering my status in the country which is the poor class

I sigh looking around my room, I'm not poor anymore and my family isn't cause would a poor person be staying in this kind of hotel

"Kishi" I hear my name being called as I turn to face the door

I see Nathaniel staring right at me as I gasp

How did he find me!!!

"What are you doing-" I stop mid sentence as his figure fades away

Oh no, I've gone crazy

I decide to leave the hotel room maybe for some fresh breeze or something cause I can't stand seeing Nathan's face all around me

I pick up my phone and my handbag walking out the door

I take the elevator to the ground floor, breathing a sigh of relief I get down from the elevator

Walking I try looking for the door that lead outside

"Excuse me miss, May I help you with something" a kind lady asked me as I nod smiling at her

She seems to be working here providing the fact that she's wearing there uniform

"Sorry I'm looking for the door that leads outside could you possible be ab-" I stop once again as I notice someone in particular walking down the hall, walking directly towards me
I gasp, covering my mouth with my hands

He turns he's head looking straight st me
Oh no, oh no, oh no

He spots me as his eyes widen

"Kishi" I hear him say


This is the end of this chapter guys
Hope you liked it

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See you in the next chapter 💗💗💗

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