Chapter Fourty Three

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“I-I-LOVE YOU” he blurts out once again…my eyes go wide as I take few steps back in utter shock and disbelief…

Say what?....first he says something about wanting me now ehn?

Nathan loves me…

“I love you Kishi, I love you a lot and these feelings keep growing and I just don’t know what to do with it anymore. I tried my very best to keep it at bay believe me when I say I truly did but I had no such luck” he says more confident than the first time.
I open my mouth trying to speak but nothing comes out as he stares at me expectantly….

What did he expect me to say after saying such a thing…I close my mouth not being able to form actual words because of the shock and lack of anything to say to such a confession.

Nathan notices that I’m not saying anything and decides to continue to speak
“I’ve loved you for a very long time actually but I figured it was about two or three months ago…to be honest I didn’t  want to be your friend at all but that was the only way I could get you to speak to me without fighting… I really didn’t and also don’t want to be your friend anymore, I want to be your lover instead…so please next time consider my feelings when you leave all day with some dude that I don’t even know” he says pausing for a while preparing for what he was going to say next

“and I know you don’t feel the same way I do…I know you don’t look at me the way I look at you…but I’m ready to wait for you.. I’m going to wait for you” he concludes picking up the key from where he had thrown it.

But before walking out, he turns to stare at me a look of expectation of some sort flashed through his eyes but then were later replaced by a look of disappointment.

He then turned his back to me and walked out the door.

I just stare at his retreating figure still shocked at his confession…not willing to move or ready to recover from my state of utter shock

What the fuck just happened?

He loves me?

Did I just hear what I think I heard cause if I did then that just has to be the craziest thing I have ever heard.

Was that his own way of confessing?…was that even a confession or a bundle of blurted out words said in anger
Or maybe he was just drunk or high on some kind of drug, cause him saying he loved me was just absurd…right?...he had never even shown any sign to me?...or had he?  Cause i had never seen any traces of love from him before…

If being mean and irritating was a show of affection then he sure as a deranged way of showing love…or like I said maybe he was drunk…cause he did have tendencies of blurting out nonsense when he got drunk…

I have been a witness to that myself

But he didn’t smell of alcohol at all…he smelt fresh…but then if he wasn’t drunk that simply means he actually meant what he had confessed.

Nathan loves me

Nathan loves me?

It felt so hard to believe maybe because of all the things he had said and done to me…

Maybe he was just kidding….cause if he was then that was an horrible joke that should never be made at all

But I had that feeling that he actually meant it…

I feel elated, confused, happy, shocked, loved?… my long time feelings have been reciprocated…

It still felt kinda hard to believe but I hard bigger question now…

Now the question was…did I feel the same way back?....did I love him back?

I’m sure my feelings are more than some dumb crush that would soon fade away but would I call it love?

Way to go Kishi!!, you managed to find a problem in such an happy moment

I sigh realizing I’m still glued to the spot where Nathan had confessed, I slowly walk to the bed and lay on it not bothering to take off my outing clothes and prayed for sleep to bless me with his presence.

But we all know that’s not gonna happen


What was I thinking?, confessing to her like that…who would ever accept such a confession…confession made out of rage…blurted out in anger…I was definitely screwed now

The way she kept silent all through my stupid confession made me feel even worse…that simply meant she didn’t feel the same way I did…I’m sure she must be thinking about what an idiot I am for falling in love with a girl so out of my league

I walk through the hallway thinking about what a stupid thing I had just done…I wanted to wait until I’m sure she reciprocate my feelings before confessing to her…but look how I fucked things up

I immediately pull out my phone, calling my PA to change my flight date to this night instead of tomorrow cause I couldn’t possibly face Kishi after what I’d done

On getting outside I quickly hail a taxi and head to the airport…


I follow closely behind the chauffeur…as he carries Nathan and I bags

I had to pack his cloth cause he wouldn’t come back to the room since the ‘confession’

Just thinking of the confession made my heart flutter and brought huge amount of butterflies into my stomach…I had a lot of time to think of what had happened yesterday considering the fact that I didn’t sleep a wink all night.

He meant it…Nathan truly had feelings for me…cause I thought back to the look he had given me before he left the room…that was definitely a sign of truth…I smile a little just thinking of Nathan having feeling for me…‘love’ to be exact.

I see my friends and the others(except Nathan) standing in front of the hotel, I get to them seconds later and look around a little wondering where Nathan was
“if you’re looking for Nathan, he isn’t here” Ayomi tells me as I turn to give him a questioning look.

What?... If he isn’t here then where is he?.

“where is he?” I ask him hoping to here that he just went to the bathroom or somewhere close by but who I’m I kidding…

“Nigeria, he left yesterday night in a rush for some reason he didn’t tell me… i thought you knew… that idiot messed up again” Ayomi informs muttering the last part to himself as I just try to keep my face blank and also to act unaffected

How could he not inform me?...even if we were not really stable right now, he should’ve told me ‘his supposed wife’

What a prick…he must have been running away from me cause of what happened…now I feel extra bad for not saying anything to him yesterday but I felt way more angry at him than bad….

He’s going to regret it….


Heyy guys!!!
Thanks for reading this chapter…Nathan has finally confessed ooo
Next chapter coming up in a few…
Pls don’t forget to vote, comment and share…see ya

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