Chapter Sixteen

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I wake to a disturbing headache as I walk to the kitchen taking some medicines to reduce my pounding head

I walk into the dining and sit waiting for the food to be served as I lay my head on the table, I hear the chair sound and I know who it is already and my heart start beating fast for no particular reason

I raise my head up pretending to not see him as the food was served and we both start eating, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach as I ignore it but then it continues as I drop my cutlery holding my stomach trying to be quiet but it became even more painful as my face starts to scrunch in pain, I look up to see Nathan looking worriedly at me as I look down and then let out a squeak, before you know it he is at my side looking at me with that worried face again

"Are you okay?, you don't look okay" He states the obvious as he tries to hold my shoulders but I shrug him off, I don't want his filthy hands on me

I wonder why my stomach is hurting so much

"Elizabeth get me my keys let's get her to the hospital" he shouts calling Elizabeth and that's when it hit me

I was on my period!!!!!, oh my gosh this is so embarrassing, i didn't want to stand up Incase the chair was stained, What on earth should I do

"I'm fine, I'm fine" I assure him as he still looks at me still worried

I use my butt to rub on the chair in case there is a stain

"Please excuse me" I say immediately standing up and sprinting to my room not sparing anybody a glance.

Immediately I get to my room I shut the door and sit on my bed

Why on earth did this happen to me today of all days, i hit my head on the door continuously until I hear a knock making me stop

"It's Nathaniel, just wanted to confirm if you're okay" He says as I roll my eyes, way to rub it in my face

"I'm fine, and why do you care anyways just go back to where you're coming from I don't want to look like a whiny bitch" I say using his own words against him

I hear him sigh as he's footsteps slowly fade away

I get up, ignoring the pain as I get cleaned and freshened up

I walk to the living room and sit, turning on the tv ready to watch my k-drama ignoring the fact that Nathaniel was sitting in the dining working on his computer. Ehh would he decide if all days to work in the dining?, why the sudden change?

In the middle of the second episode I receive a call pausing the series

"Hello" the voice says, I recognize the voice from somewhere

"Hello, please who's this?" I ask as he chuckles

"It the guy from the club yesterday" he says and I immediately remember him

"OMG James, you actually called, what's up" I say

"Nothing much, I don't really have anything to do so I decided to call and check up our next planned date" he says as I pretend giggle especially knowing Nathaniel his at the back of me

"Date?, i can't wait, I literally have nothing to do wanna meet up" I say enhancing my voice so everyone around could here

"Sure, I'm down. How about Shira in Ebute" he asks

"Yeah sure I'll see you" I say ending the call and getting up

As I walk past Nathan he is still on his laptop pretending to not have heard anything when I know he did or maybe he did not just care

I walk up to my room and change my clothes. I put on a white crop top with high waist jeans putting on a pair of canvas and walking out.

As I walked downstairs Nathaniel was there blocking my way, I look at him with a confused expression as he still stands there doing nothing than to stare at me

"Please can you get out of my way?" I ask but he doesn't budge

"Where are you going?" He asks as I just stare

"None of your business, can I go now" j say trying to walk around him but he blocks my pray again

"A date?, seriously?. You're fucking married" he says stating the obvious

"Yeah, and so?" I ask as he looks at me in disbelief

"Who's the guy?, does he even know you're married" he ask as I roll my eyes

"I have nothing to explain to you, and why do you care anyway?" I ask as he stares at me for a second before moving aside

"You're right I don't" He says grabbing his laptop and paper works as he walks into his office

I hiss walking out of the house as I go to see James, who cares what Nathan thinks he's just a friend and that's  all  or maybe a rebound and that's all that matters

I walk into the restaurant looking for James as I find him at a side of the restaurant sitting, I wave at him as he waves me over.

I walk over to him smiling as I sit opposite him as he smiles back at me.

"Hey Tolu" He says as I look at him confused, how did he know my name was Tolu, I think he notice I was confused

"Well, Mrs Kishi Toluwalashe Omowunmi, I did a little research of my own" he says as I wince when he says Mrs and Omowunmi, that means he knows that I'm married to Nathan.

Well there goes a possible fling, I open my mouth slightly trying to explain or at least say something but I couldn't think of anything to say.

"Research?" I ask dumbly as he chuckles rubbing his neck

"You can't blame me for wanting to know a little bit about the person I'm attracted to badly" he says smiling shyly as I feel my cheeks heat up

"You're attracted to me?" I ask in disbelief as he shrugs trying his best to hide his smile

I'm quite surprised at his confession, but I'm happy kind of, at least someone is attracted to me, I started to believe that something is wrong with me because Nathan wasn't even attracted to me at all, at least I know that's not true
I smile at him as he smiles back

"But don't worry about it, I know you're married so I'll try my best to chuck that feeling deep inside of me and I'm willing to be just friends with you that of course if you agree" he says as I nod laughing at the way he blurted out

"Yeah sure I'm cool with that" I say as he gets up going to the counter to order for us

We enjoy our time together laughing and joking as we bid goodbye to each other at my doorsteps when he dropped me off

I walk into the house to see Nathan standing near the window facing me, I didn't bother to greet him as I walk up to my room feeling his gaze behind me back but I keep on walking to my room entering it as I slam the door behind me

I slump on my bed not bothering to change as I was too tired

I fall asleep soon after not wanting to wake up the next morning in this house but I guess we all can dream.

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