Chapter Twenty Nine

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Kishi's POV

I jolt up from bed looking around frantically

Where I'm I?
Why I'm I in his room?
I thought I left yesterday...
I widen my eyes remembering last night

Wow, we were so close last night. I'm actually surprised at how we were relating yesterday,but could I fall asleep here?.

"You're awake" I hear a voice say turning around to see Nathan

Wow, how can someone look that good in the morning.

I wonder how I look right now, probably like shit.

"Yeah I am, by the way I'm sorry I slept here when I said I wasn't going to" I apologize widening my eyes at how I sounded. Why did I even apologize?

"It's no p, you should freshen up in your room and come down for breakfast" he says as I nod remembering something

"Ohh, is Elizabeth back?" I ask expectantly finally relieved that  I wouldn't be alone in this house with Nathan

"Nope" he answers as I stare at him in confusion

Who now cooked?

Don't tell me....

"You cooked?" I say more like a question. I'm I not supposed to be the one cooking.

Kishiiii, you've lost all your morals immediately you entered luxury.

I cover my face with my hands letting my head drop down, probably too embarrassed to face him

"Yeah...I cooked, don't worry about it Kishi it's no bigi" he assures me as I look up grinning at him all my worries washed away immediately.
Why?, I don't know

"Really?, cause I'm starving...abeg forget freshening up let's go and eat jhor" I say suddenly finding courage

It's now obvious to me


I don't want to like him ooo

I inwardly sigh shrugging. Abeg whatever happens let it happen, all I know is that I shall have my fun for now

He laughs at my childishness and gestures his hands outside the door

We walk into the kitchen as I sit on the counter watching him plate the food

"You're not supposed o be doing this" I say but he doesn't face me

"What do you mean?" Nathan asks
That's a good question oo, even I don't know what I mean

"We are acting like actual couples when we've agreed to be friends" I blurt out


What rubbish I've i said!!!!!!!
Kishi you're stupid!!!
When this is not Korean movie!!!
In fact I'm sure they're even better than me

He chuckles this time turning to face me

"We have agreed to be friends I know that, but we are also husband and wife and even though you don't love me and there isn't some sort of romantic relationship between us, we can still act like husband and wife but not in the romantic way. Take for example I made you breakfast, that's an act of kindness to my wife stroke friend, we are husband and wife and there's no way we can change that fact so we go with it we have fun laugh discuss like friends but we are couples. Do you understand that concept?" He rounds up as I nod a little

It's quite confusing but I think I understand

"Wow, who knew the dumbass of before has become such a smart person. I never expected you to say something to complicated but smart" I kind of compliment as he playfully scowls at me returning to what he was doing

"By the way where's Lizzy?" I ask as he looks at me confused

"Who's Lizzy?" He asks as I face palm

"I take back my statement you're dumb, ELIZABETH!, do I have to spell it out for you" I say a little to rudely

I guess I'm getting too comfortable, I watch his facial expression checking for any signs of anger but there was none

"REST!, I just wanted to confirm and you just started shouting" he chuckles as I playfully glare

It's him that should REST

"Are you going to answer or what?"

"She quit, turns out her daughter has married a rich dude soo no need to be a maid" he says as I nod in understanding

I can't help but wonder if Elizabeth story was similar to mine

"Have you special delicacy made by me" He says presenting the food in front of me as I stare at it

How's it going to taste, it looks good already so it should taste nice but I wouldn't want to get his hopes up

"I bet it's not that good" I say as he grabs a chair and sits also getting his plate

"Taste it and find out,I'll immediately take it away from you" he says sounding so assured

I hold my breath taking the first spoon, I widen my eyes in suprise

Ewweee, It's freaking delicious

I immediately hide my expression, clearing my throat I shrug trying my best not to show that I actually enjoyed it

"Ohh, it's not good?, let me take it away" He says as I widen my eyes grabbing his hands immediately he tried to take the plate away

"I'll manage it so you don't feel bad" I say as I could literally see him smirk

"No no, you don't have to manage what you don't like. I'll just take it away" he argues with me as I glare at him removing my hands

He takes the plate and walks over to the waste him ready to pour it away


"Stop ah, oya Stop. You've got what you wanted you're good is nice oya give me back my food" I admit to defeat as he turns around smirking at me

Fuck you!!!!!!

He places the food back in front of me and goes back to his seat

"Thanks for the compliment, I find my cooking quite exceptional" he says cockily as I glare at him

But soon that glare turns to laughter

"You don't have sense swrs" I laugh as I continue to eat my food

That day, after a very long time...I could say Breakfast was great

Later on Nathan had to go to work and I was left in the house alone but before he left he asked me to tell my friends about the trip so he'll know who's coming and who's not

I dial Kemi's number walking out the door fully dressed and ready to meet up with my friends😌✌️

End of chapter guyssss

This chapter was so😊☺️

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Lotta love❤️💝💕

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