Chapter Twenty

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I stare at her face a little longer before getting up to go shower.

I can't believe I got so drunk that I said and did those things, I sounded so desperate and crazy.

I groan hitting my head continuously, What is she going to think of me now?, knowing Kishi it's probably something awful....

I just got so annoyed that she kept on going out and getting drunk with some dude that I didn't even know about.
Why??, I have no idea and that alone makes me go crazy.

I have no idea what I'm going to say when I see her so I decide to leave before she even wakes up, yesterday after i embarrassingly slept on her shoulders mid way a kiss,I woke up later on in the middle of the night to see her sleeping beside me.

Thank goodness nothing happened unless I would never I've forgiven myself plus she'll hate me forever.

I get dressed quickly and dash out of the house without making a sound.

I wonder what she'd think when she wakes up.....


I groan tossing the papers back on my table as I hit my head continuously

I can't focus on anything right now including my work, what happened yesterday can't get the fuck out of my mind and that bothering me like crazy..

I pick up my keys walking out of the office going straight to the parking lot, I can't stay here anymore, I need to go home before I lose my mind. I'd rather face what's going to happen at home than watch my staff watch me go crazy in the office.
I park my car, get out of it and walk straight to the door.

I walk in to see the place empty, maybe she's in her room cause normally she's always here watching her kdramas and crushing on some Korean idiots.

I walk slowly up to her room, I stand there for a few seconds before deciding to knock, 1st knock,2nd knock and still no answer, could she be ignoring me on purpose or maybe sleeping.

"Hey, Kishi, I think we need to talk" I say but still no reply, after a few seconds I decide to open it either way since she didn't want to answer me

I open the door to see no one inside. Looking around even more I notice her suitcase is gone with most of her clothes also gone.


She couldn't possibly have run away right?, I look around frantically looking for something or someone to prove my thoughts wrong.

She couldn't have left me, she wouldn't be that dumb right?. I run down the stairs looking for Elizabeth

"Elizabeth!!!!" I call out to hear no reply, why is no one answering me today

Where could she fucking be

"Elizabeth!!!" I shout her name out once more before realizing I let her go visit her family for the week

After looking around the house three more times, I realize that Kishi was actually gone. I slump on the couch sighing deeply as I stare at the blank screen in front of me

"We just kind of kissed plus I said a few stupid things, she couldn't have left for that right?" I ask myself out loud realizing that I have actually gone crazy

I mean, why do I even care it's not like I like her so what's the problem?

"I don't like her right?" I ask out loud waiting for someone to answer my fucking question

"Dude, i think you do" someone says as I immediately snap my head to the direction of the voice

"Ayomi, What are you doing here?" I ask trying to show that I care which in fact I don't

"Wow no,welcome Ayomi or maybe a how was your trip or something but all I get from my best pal is a interrogative question" he says overreacting like he always does

I chuckle a little, flipping him off

"Don't be such a baby" I say giving him a slight smile cause that's all I could muster

"Dude, you look beat up" he says obviously happy at my misfortune

"Yeah I noticed" I say dryly getting up to go get a drink

"You just gotta admit it to yourself dude, you fucking like her, it's like fucking obvious" he says as I roll my eyes

What sought of assumption is this fool making

"I don't like her, jeez, lay off would ya" I say pouring myself a glass of whiskey our discussion moving from the living room to the bar

"Not when my best pal is suffering in the epic stage of denial which every dude goes through" he says patting my back like a child, I shrug his hands off glaring at him but he seems unfazed

"I'll admit that I'm attracted to her a little but that's just infatuation not like like" I says feeling pleased at my reply

"Why do you feel attracted to her and how if I may ask?" He ask as I stare at him trying to think about the reasons

"Well for starters she's pretty, very curvy and attractive" I say taking another sip from my glass

"Anything else?" Ayomi asks giving me a weird look

"Okay....., She's kinda cute, plus dude have you seen her smile it's like.... and the way she talks sometimes makes you feel totally amazing plus her character before she encountered me making her lose her mind which I don't blame her for was awesome, she was so nice, friendly amd kind to people even now but not to me cause I'm a total dick face and don't forget her fiesty nature which on a normal day will make any dude in their right minds flee but I think it's kinda sexy, it's actually my favorite thing I tend to like about -" I stop mid sentence realizing what I had just said

I can't fucking believe it, I stare at my friend dumbfounded

"See what I told ya" he says twirling around with his chair

I can't believe it, it can't be possible

I L-


End of the chapter guys total suspense here right?

I can't wait for the next chapter, although I'm not sure who's POV i should do next which is making things even more complicated

See you in the next chapter❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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