Chapter Eight

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I woke feeling like shit

I walked into the bathroom and quickly bathed and dressed quickly

Knowing that I would probably not be going anywhere I wore baggy top and leggings

After I was done I packed my hair into a bun and opened the door

I quietly walk downstairs finding my way to the kitchen. It was quite early so I didn't expect anyone to be awake at this time but to my surprise I saw a lady in the kitchen cooking

"Hello?" I say as she dropped the spoon probably startled

"Sorry,I didn't mean to startle you" I say as I help her pick the spoon up

"No worry Madam, everything dey fine" she assures me as I nod slowly

"Not to be rude but who exactly are you?" I ask as she laughs hysterically

"Ahhh!!, Madam na me be the cookery of this place" she says as I nod smiling at her terrible English

"Soo,what exactly are we going to eat today?" I ask as she opens the pot to a fantastic smell of jollof rice

"Wow,that smells amazing" I say as I try to help her cook but she refused telling me she was okay. I leave the kitchen going to the living room,I slump on the couch turning on the tv as I scroll through channels for anything interesting to watch.

I wonder where Nathaniel is,probably doing something irritating

I can't still believe I'm married and not to a better person but to a stuck-up snub like Nathaniel

Speaking of the devil,I hear footsteps coming from the stairs and it turns out it's him coming down the stairs

He was dressing in a top and joggers looking like he just woke up

"What?" He ask probably noticing my stare

"Great way to greet your wife good morning" I say as I shift a little trying to get comfortable

"F*** off" I hear him mutter under his breath

"You know, I expected you to be a workaholic, someone that wakes up really early rushing to work and not having time to actually rest or have fun" I say as he walks to another couch as he sits groaning endlessly

"This is not like your stupid stories, I'm the boss so why the fuck would I act like an employee when I could go to work anytime I freaking want" He states as he lays down on the couch

"Well,I'm not surprised that you're a lazy ass since everything was giving to you on a silver platter" I say as he rolls his eyes

"Yeah, and I'm tots glad that I didn't end up being poverty struck like you. You seem to be so jealous that I grew up in a rich household while you on the other hand grew up in a poor household

I scoff getting up to go check on the cook which I forgot to get her name

"We have to open our gifts sooooo,Yeah" He says as i roll my eyes and walk away

After checking on Nancy

I go back to the living room to see Nathan already unwrapping the gifts

"Won't you pray before opening anything?"I say as he looks up at me

I can't believe he did not pray before opening the gifts

He scoffs and continues to unwrap the gifts

"God will judge your nonchalant attitude" I say as I sit down opposite him and pray a silent prayer,after I was through I looked around to see the whole living room filled with gifts

"Wow,that's a lot of gifts"I exclaim with wide eyes

"Yeah"I hear him mutter as he continued unwrapping presents

I start to unwrap presents and believe me when I say that those were the best things that I had ever gotten in my life

First I got and IPhone12, and then tickets to a concert and Joeboy,Fireboy,Rema...
and much more will be featuring and I also got visa to Paris booked next month and so much more

After and hour my hands were already sore from opening presents, I was getting bored of opening them

Me and Nathaniel have not spoken a word since we started unwrapping gifts and I was so happy, I wasn't in the mood for any fight at all

I hear him clear his throat as I look up to see what he was holding in his hands

I almost fainted at what I saw, it was a night dress that doesn't actually allow you so much of sleeping (if ya know what I mean😉) and there was lingerie,an handcuff,and a whip. I almost chock on my spit as I saw what he was holding, I could feel my cheeks burn in embarrassment as I stare at it not knowing what to do, I look down to see a card. I picked it up and read the content

I knew immediately who it was


That fucking bitch, how could she even send such a thing when she knew it would not happen

"Well, this is definitely not for me" he say stretching the lingerie with his finger, proving his point

why his he trying to make this so hard for me

"But I must say that the person who sent this has nice taste,would you be a precious little darling and give me her number so we could link up, I definitely want to see what she can do whit" he says smirking at me

My embarrassment left and was replaced with anger,I angrily snatch it from his hands hiding hit behind my back and gave him a glare as I continue unwrapping presents

After we were done, we settled down at the dining for breakfast and ate in silence,I didn't say anything to him and vice versa, the whole house was just silent

I was so bored that I just kept on wandering around the house like some weirdo while Nathaniel stayed in his office for the rest of the day

I can't just help but wonder if this is how my life is going to be.....


End of the chapter guys

Kishi is facing a huge turmoil in her life right now and Nathan is not helping situations, Oh my poor Kishi😢

Don't worry things will get better 🙂
Or not *evil laugh*

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Nini out!!🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️

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