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Five years later (KISHI'S POV)

“I swear if you come near me again I will stab you…in fact I’m moving out of our room cause if I end up pregnant again you will be the one to carry the baby in your belly and give birth to it lets see if you’ll enjoy such an experience” I warn Nathan as I try to stop Juwon from crying by cooing loudly and moving around like a deranged woman. 

I’m making a oath to myself that I shall not give birth again, three children are enough for me. Let me not die of childbirth.

I playfully glare as Nathan just laughs at me and picks Nike up from her crib cause she was starting to cry. Maybe he found my current predicament funny…he is the cause of all this and yet he is laughing. Three children is not a small thing, do you know how hard it is to deal with seven months old twins and a toddler on top…it’s like a twenty four seven job and it’s so stressful!

“you know what? Since you find things so funny why not take care of them by yourself…I QUIT!!” I shout putting the now sleeping Juwon in his crib and walking out the door but not before flipping him off.

I hear him call out to me but I ignore it and walk down to the kitchen to get a glass of water before I pass out from dehydration. 

I scoff immediately I see Nathan walk into the kitchen…did he really have to follow me?

“what? Better go away” I warn trying to ignore his outstretched hands. Does he actually think I’ll hug him? If he thinks so then he must be foolish

“babe I’m sorry na! I didn’t mean to take your hard work for granted. I know the troubles and stress you’re facing and I acknowledge your hard work and in fact I adore you for being able to juggle raising her three children and work at the same time. I freaking love you so there’s no time I don’t adore you. So don’t be angry at me and give me a hug” he says still stretching his hands out for a hug. I pout a little at my inablility to stay angry at him. When he acts so loving and caring who could possibly resist

I sigh running into his hands and engulfing myself in his beautiful smell…to be honest there was no particular reason for being angry, he has always been there to help in taking care of the kids and of course me. I guess I was just frustrated..

“sorry for being angry at you, I was just frustrated…three kids is no easy work” I say my apology coming out a little muffled cause I was smooched against his chest.

“I know…so why don’t we take the night off, lets call my mom to come take care of the kids for the night so we could have some time to ourselves. We can go out on a date probably to go watch a movie and then catch dinner at a restaurant…then we will be back home around ten so my mum is able to go back home” Nathan suggests and i squeal nodding my head profusely detatching myself from the hg to make sure he was actually telling the truth.

To be honest I needed the break, I love my kids even more than anyone  can imagine but some times a break Is needed for someone to survive such hardwork.

 “that’s awesome but the only problem is that your mom went on a trip with your dad so we should call my mum instead” I suggest and pull him into another hug because of the excitement. Nathan then tries to kiss me and I’m immediately snapped back to my senses.

“nope…no way, I know what you’re trying to do and I mean it when I say I’m abstaining cause I’m not ready  to get pregnant again” I say immediately pulling away from him and running away.

“babe now!! How can you do this to me...” he whines following behind like a lost puppy

**next day**

Last night turned out to be awesome...it was quite relaxing and nice.

But now I’m here struggling trying to dress Simi my four year old toddler up in are little brides maid costume…

Kemi should know that she’s giving me double wahala by choosing my daughter Simi has her little brides maid. She should’ve just picked khabby’s daughter alone instead of picking both.

“Simi if you don’t get back here by the time I count to three” I scream trying to find where my little angel has run to. Believe me when I say that she is always like this, she never wants to put on her clothes…all she wants to do is prance around the house naked.

“Nathan!! Find your daughter, I’m going to have my bath” I tell Nathan immediately he steps out of the room, looking like dahum…..

“you look handsome honey” I compliment giving him a quick peck on the cheek using that to shove Simi’s dress into his hands as I go to prepare myself. Luckily the two pregnancies did me well and I hadn’t added extra fat during either of my pregnancy, but I can’t say the same for khabby.

Khabby didn’t end up marrying Micheal which I am thankful of, she ended up with a guy named Jerald and now they are happily married with one kid and another on the way. Kemi on the other hand didn’t get so lucky to marry early like khabby and I cause as you can see we are on our way to her wedding with Ayomi, yes!! AYOMI!. Even I was shocked when they announced that they were dating talkless of getting married, it came as a shock to us all. Me on the other hand is still happily married with my one and only husband Nathan with three kids, one four years of age and the twins are seven months old. After much consideration Nathan finally agreed to let me start working and now I have my own cloth brand that is quite popular in the market as of today.

It has been one of the most difficult years of my life but still the most beautiful years of my life…though tough I would do it all again if it will end up with me having such an husband and wonderful children. To me my family and my friends are my most priceless jewels and I won’t trade them for the world.

We finally get to the wedding after much stress and I can't help but smile as happy faces and teasing smiles are plastered on our face as we gossip on the latest happenings and  what Kemi's attire was going to be for her wedding night.

“I’m thinking a lace transparent bra with matching lingerie would do” khabby says and I scrunch up my nose.

“no jhor, that’s too holy…I’m thinking you should just stay stack naked on-“ I start to say but I'm cut shut by khabby shoving a spoon of rice into my mouth with wide eyes.

“why are you acting like you’ve not done it, my friend leave kishi alone let her advice a friend in need” kemi says giving me water to watch down the rice.

I doesn’t take long before I am out of the conversation cause I am whisked away from my friends by my darling husband asking for a dance.

We move to the dance floor as a slow song starts to play. Not wasting time we position ourselves and start to dance getting lost into each other eyes as we continue to dance. Just feeling the moment of love shared between us.

I still can’t believe that after all this years, I am still so madly in love with Nathan. There was nothing that could make me fall out of love with him.

“you still love me right?” Nathan asks throwing in a sheepish smile while I just shrug trying to mess with him a little

“I’m not sure, maybe I do” I try to say in a bored tone but it ends up coming out with a giggle

“I’ll not be surprised if you one day get tired of me because of my annoying attitude” he says as I frown a his words but decide to give a short and explainable reply. 

“yeah sure, when pigs fly”






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