Chapter Thirteen

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I wake up to a pounding inside my head, it's like my head is on fire

What on earth happened yesterday?, the last thing I remember was when I left the hall at the event center

I get up to go freshen up
I put on the shower, as the hot water hits my skin it refreshes me immediately and that's when it hit me

I scream remembering everything that happened yesterday


I'm going to die, how on earth will I face him after this

I stay locked up in the bathroom for about thirty minutes and then I walk out of the bathroom immediately running to lock my room door in case he suddenly decides to barge in.

I can't believe what had happened yesterday. Although I have a blurred memory of what happened I remember me kissing him and that's the main problem here.

I can't believe I did that.

I keep pacing around as I stare at the door ,I have no idea what might happen if I open it and I'm scared like shit

Kishi!!, you can do this just walk out the door like nothing happened and pretend you don't remember anything, that could work right?.

But what if he reminds me of it and then I feel embarrassed and die right on the spot.

After a lot of argument I decide to step outside because I was too hungry.

I opened the door and looked left and right, after confirming that no one was there I made a run for it. I sprint towards the kitchen entering the kitchen slamming the door behind me as I immediately grab a bottle of water chugging it down

"Well, that was entertaining" I hear a voice say as I look up in shock to see Nathan staring at me also holding a bottle of water

My village people are shaking my calabash!!!!!!

The water immediately goes through the wrong way as I begin to cough like a maniac as I look up to Nathaniel staring at me with a confused expression.

He is wearing a joggers with a tank top and I watch his hand muscle pop out as he grips the bottle. My cough stops as I clear my throat as I couldn't say anything because of the embarrassment.

"What were you running away from, is it some kind of insect or animal or is it from me because of what happened yesterday" he says a smirk appearing on his face

I choke once again on my own spit as I clear my throat once again as I ponder on what to say

"What exactly happened yesterday" I say going with the first plan of acting oblivious to anything

He lets out a laugh as he walks closer to me leaning in as he whispers into my ears

"You know what happened yesterday" he says as he retreats patting my back as he walks out

Fuck him!!!!!!!!

After I was done with eating I decide to talk to my girls cause they were disturbing me with messages asking of what happened yesterday.
I decide to go and meet them so I could get away from the awkwardness of this house.

We decide to meet at a shopping mall so we could have some fun

I get into the house absolutely tired from all the fun we had, i slump on the couch taking of my shoes as I sigh resting my head on the couch

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