Chapter Seven

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It is time
It is time for me to walk down the aisle
It is time for me to face my worst nightmare
It is time for my WEDDING

"I just feel like jumping out of this car right now" I say to khabby as she fixes my make up

"Don't spoil your face,your make up will get ruined" khabby warns me for like the fifth time as I sigh

Who cares what I look like, I'm not even happy on my very wedding day and like I don't give a flying f***what people think about my appearance

We get to the church auditorium as I sigh and wait a couple of minutes before stepping out

During the past one month I haven't done anything. I refused to go and buy my wedding dress,I refuse to buy the wedding cake. In total I refused to do anything
At some point I tried to back out promising to pay back the money that they had spent on us but that's when I was told that my parents had signed a contract stating that I must marry Nathaniel or I will be put in jail if I refused or back out at any point in time. I was shocked that my parents would do this and with what they did I'm not sure I can ever forgive them again

I hear the stupid music start to play as I get down from the car, my dad walks up to my side and tries to hold me

"Please don't touch me" I say as remove his hands and walk inside ready to get this over with
I see Nathaniel on his phone typing away,his best man nudged him to look up and he did,he looked at me and then went back to his phone

What a prick!!!!

I walked faster until I had reached the altar, Nathan put his phone away and faced me. Through the corner of my eye I see my Mum smile at me,I give her an irritated look and turn to face the bald pastor

"We are gathered here today to witness the joining together of-"

"Can we skip all that crap and get this over with" Nathan says as the pastor nods

"Do you Nathaniel Omowunmi accept Olaoluwakishi as your lawfully wedded husband"

"Yeah sure,can we round this up she says yes too sooo" Nathan whines like a baby that he is

"Sir we have to do it according to procedures" the pastor says as Nathan rolls his eyes at him

"Do you olaoluwakishi accept Nathaniel as your lawful wedded husband"

Well....this is it,this is the moment you've dreaded but I have no other option than to say yes

"Sure" I say with a monotone voice

"I now pronounce you husband and wife"the pastor declares as everyone starts cheering as I hold back my tears and turn to face the crowd and walk down the aisle hand in hand

I see my mum coming towards me with tears in her eyes as I inwardly groan

"Congratulations dear,I'm so sorry but I'm sure it's going to be fine" my mum says as I look at her with a blank expression

"I don't need your assurance or sympathy, you sold me off,you've gotten your money so f*** off" I conclude pushing her aside as I walk away going straight to the car avoiding all the stupid greetings

After two minutes,the door opens  to see Nathan getting in

"What are you doing?"I ask as he stares at blankly at me

"What does it look like I'm doing?, I'm getting into the car" He states as he takes a sit next to me

"This car?" I ask again as he groans loudly

"Which other car, have you ever seen newly weds taking different vehicles to their party" he says as I scoff and turn to face the windows

The driver start the car and we start moving

"Now I'm stuck with someone like this as a wife" he mutters as I turn to face him

"Excuse me?"I say angry at what he just said

"What?" He asked pretending he didn't say anything

"Like I'd want someone like you as an husband, I heard what you said,so don't pretend you didn't say anything" I says was he let out a chuckle as I look at him weirdly

Why would he laugh at a time like this, such a weirdo

"You should be lucky you have someone like me as an husband"he says as I laugh hysterically

"I'll rather jump over a bridge than to have someone like you as a husband" I state back

"Then why didn't you?" He ask as I stare at him confused


"Why didn't you jump of the bridge?, that would've solved all our problems, so why didn't you?" He asks as I look at him with disbelief

I couldn't  say anything else I just turned back to face the window

F*** him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was a long and awkwardly silent ride after our argument

We had to stop once so I could change my
cloth for the reception


At the reception nothing really happened it was just boring

They called some people to come and talk about us, they prayed for us and bla bla bla

Now it was time to present the gifts and like there were a lot of gifts

They called Nathaniel's dad to come and present and like I was so shocked

He arranged a trip around the world for six months,first class and we could bring two people along each

I was inwardly screaming but I smiled politely thanking him

I had talked to Nathaniel dad once and he was the only on one i liked out of everybody including my parents

The reception ended soon after and it was time to go

I hugged my sisters and cried

"Bye" I wave to them as they cry

The car starts to move as I wined up and face front

It's time to face reality

We get to a huge mansion as I inwardly gasp

It was sooo beautiful and I can't believe I will be living here

I get down a we make our way to the front door, after some minute of looking for the key he finally found it and we were inside the house a  couple of seconds later

The inside was even more beautiful than the outside, it had a lot of designs and artwork,everywhere was just sparkling so bright

He walked up the stairs as I silently follow him

"So,this is your room and that's mine" he says as I smile a little muttering thank you and walking in

My clothes had already been brought to the house yesterday so I had everything here but I didn't come here to arrange and organize it so l wonder who could have done it cause like everything was arranged properly

I removed my dress and went to have my bath I ignored my rumbling stomach and went to bed immediately cause I was sooo tired


End of chapter!!!!!!

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