Chapter Fourty Seven

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Nathan’s POV

“I LOVE YOU” Kishi says out loud immediately shutting me up


I don’t think I ever expected Kishi to confess to me this fast. I am so shocked and short of words as I just stare at her open mouthed

She also stares at me maybe a little shocked at her own words but she manages to compose herself quickly and her shocked expression had now turned into a smirk as she stepped aside and walked into my office while I just stood there

I try to shake the shock off as I follow behind her quietly still trying to process what had just happened

We both enter my office and I shut the door behind not willing to be disturbed cause of the conversation we were going to have…

I stare at Kishi as she paraded my office like she hadn’t just dropped a bomb on me…she was looking so carefree as she checked out my office, her eyes scanning through all the details in my office. She looked unbothered and carefree like se didn’t just say something so serious outside
I finally decide to speak up cause she didn’t look ready to talk anytime soon

“please tell me what you said outside wasn’t a joke or that I wasn’t dreaming” I begin, going straight to the point…I really need to confirm what she said…I am feeling so agitated of what are answer was going to be…I don’t even know what to even feel

“what exactly are you talking about?” she asks me with a taunting smile. Is she kidding me right now?...i immediately start to get pissed and embarrassed. Was I some kind of joke? Was my feelings some joke?

“if this is a joke then please stop cause it’s not funny… I will not allow you to play with my feelings just like that” I declare already angry at her. Her expression immediately switches from taunting to worried and guilty as she moves closer to me until she was standing right in front of me

“calm down okay? I didn’t mean it like that, I didn’t mean to say it like that” she says in a soothing manner taking in a deep breath before moving to place her palm on my cheeks as slow and as careful as possible…what the fuck is she doing?

“say what?” I ask immediately as she takes another deep breath avoiding my gaze as like if she looked into my eyes she could die…I wonder what the problem is. I decide to ask her but before I could get a word in she immediately raises her head and looks me directly in the eyes before saying the words that I wanted to badly hear so much for so long

“I LOVE YOU NATHANIEL OMOWUNMI” she declares clearer than the first time as her anxious expression urns into a grinning one in a split second

I clear my throat matching her grin with mine as I pull her even closer to me making out body touch each other as my hands stay on her waist where it is supposed to be…

She looks away shyly as I use my free hand to raise her head up making her stare right into my eyes and see the love I have for her…for this beautiful woman that is in my hands right now

“I LOVE YOU TOO KISHI OMOWUNMI” I tell her once again as her smile even grew wider than before…she looked even more beautiful than ever and believe me when I say I ain’t letting her go. I’m going to keep her by side forever call me selfish but I don’t care

I don’t waste time before leaning in and smashing my lips on hers. I can’t help but smile in between kiss as the feeling of joy, happiness, and best of all love sours through my veins. I place my hand behind her head to pull our face closer deepening the kiss as my tongue slid into her mouth…moving in perfect harmony.

We unfortunately part lips soon after but the grin on my face didn’t leave my face. I grab her hands pulling her in for a hug just feeling the need to shower her with my utmost love and affection, believe me when I say there could be nothing better than this

We stay in each other arms for close to 5 minutes before she pulls apart against my will, going to sit on a chair in my office which is directly opposite mine although a huge table is between us. She gestures for me to go take my sit and I oblige taking my sit immediately.

We sit like that for a couple of minutes just staring at each other in silence. I decide to speak just to clear the awkwardness building up


“so” we both say at the same time as she lets out and audible giggle while I just chuckle at her girlish behavior

I sigh in contempt recalling what Kishi had said a while ago. Wait, did she come here just to tell me that or there was something else… I should probably ask her
“not to sound rude but did you come here just to confess or to say something else?” I ask as I watch her blush at the first part before clearing her throat and answering

“actually…I didn’t come to confess anything at all…I didn’t realize my feelings for you were uhmm that deep until outside in the hallways of your office. The reason I actually came her was because I got worried about you” she answers truthfully as I decide not to ask her any question about her realization of feelings cause I didn’t really care as long as she felt them I was cool with not knowing how

Although I feel like I should be concerned about what exactly she heard that had her worried but just hearing that she was worried about me made me feel so freaking happy that I could care less about what had made her worried. I just nod and gesture for her to continue.

“so uhmm, I called Ayomi to confirm if you were still in your office and he did so I decided to pay you a visit and bring lunch too cause I heard you haven’t been eating and you’re always drowning yourself in work…so I came here to give you lunch and of course beat you up for not taking care of yourself properly” she concludes pointing at the lunch pack on my coffee table and I nod again in understanding before a smirk finds its way on my lips.

“beat me up uhn? I didn’t know you cared so much about me” I tease watching her with an intense gaze   as she stands abruptly and walks over to me… I wonder what’s she’s planning.

“of course I care” she tells me bending her knees a little to reach my height since I was sitting and she was standing.

She uses one hand to cup my face and when I’m thinking she’s leaning in for another kiss which I was so ready for, I feel a sharp pain behind my head and lose focus trying to figure out where the pain came from. I soon realize that Kishi had hit my head with her hands and was now smirking down at me.

“I care so much that I should beat you if you don’t take care of yourself. Nathan I am very serious right now, you need to start taking better care of yourself.” She says in a scolding manner and I just smile at her and drag her to sit on my laps.

“why should I do that when I have a perfectly capable wife who could do that for me” I tease her as she just laughs a little and tries to get up…I’m not letting her go anytime soon.


end of chapters guy…just three more chapters to the end of when pigs fly.

I hope you are enjoying the romance between Nathan and Kishi.

Thanks once again for reading…don’t forget to vote, comment and share.

Lotta love❤️

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