Chapter Thirty Eight

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We get outside as the wind hits me like a truck

Omo this place cold ooo

I immediately bring out my jacket from my bag and put it on

"It so cold outside my sister" Kemi sings to me as she does the same thing I did with my jacket

We are now in Canada, Vancouver

We just arrived and I'm soo freaking tired...

"Come on let's get you guys to the hotel to rest for the night"Nathan suggests taking control of the situation
As we walk towards the vehicle awaiting us
3 hours later

It was already really late in the night and we had reached the hotel about an hour ago.

We'd signed in and done the needful and Everyone had gone to their separate rooms

I was in the room alone for about thirty minutes cause Nathan had said he had some things to take care off and went outside....

I'm like....what on earth does he want to take care of this late at night? but I decide to shrug it off not willing to pry into his affairs

After thirty minutes of staying in the hotel room I decided to just walk around a bit since I can't get my brain to shut down and sleep

....So now I'm here outside this gigantic hotel walking about like a witch in the night

"Can't Sleep Uhn?" A voice asks startling me

I immediately turn my head to the direction of the voice to see Nathan walking towards me, removing his phone from his ears and putting his phone in his pocket like he had just been phoning someone

"Yep, just needed to clear my head a little" I answer facing my front and taking a deep breath

"Well, I guess you didn't think that I needed to know that you weren't missing or dead" he mutters as i widen my eyes in realization pulling my phone out immediately

54 missed calls appeared on my screen as I sigh putting it back into my pocket

"Sorry, my phone was on silent soo I couldn't hear when you called" I apologize immediately as I continue to walk

For some reason I couldn't seem to get myself out of my awful mood I guess it's just really bad mood swings.

I keep thinking about Nathan and what we are right now and what we were going to be in the future, that's if we even have a future.

It depresses me to think that we might stay forever friends and never try to make a family

I want a family, I want children of my own but I'm not sure if I'm gonna get them or with whom I'm gonna get them with.

I am totally against divorce cause I'm a Christian.....but if I don't divorce would I ever live like a wife and a mother who has a loving husband and beautiful kids?

And the worst thing is that I keep doubting my supposed feeling for Nathan......maybe it's just infatuation or friendship?

I have no idea where all this thought I'm having are coming from.
I want them to leave but I can't seem to get past the fact that I might live a very miserable life

"Any reason for your bad mood?" Nathan asks as I just shrug and continue to walk

"You sure?, did something happen?" He asks once again as I just shrug again and keep on walking

After a few minutes of him following me and my endless sighs he asks again

"Are you absolutely sure?!"

I sigh in frustration as we reach the stairs, turning around to glare at him

"I told you I was oka-!!" I was cut shut as I felt my leg tip over and my body fall backwards

I close my eyes awaiting the pain that I may get.

I might get hurt or probably die cause it's a really long staircase

It never came!, the pain never came!!

I feel a pair of hands around me as I open my eyes slowly to see Nathan staring at me with wide eyes and I'm immediately drawn in

I don't know what's happening but in that spar of the moment the feelings I felt towards him totally skyrocketed and now I knew for sure that I Olaoluwakishi Omowunmi....had developed huge feelings for Nathaniel Omowunmi my so called husband.....and at this point my doubts were cleared...there was no infatuation or friendship anywhere it was pure feelings

I ain't divorcing no one!!!, even if they paid me

Nathan keeps staring at me with his eyes not faltering even a bit as we stay in the exact position where he had caught me from falling....I think he feels it too...he feels the connection between us. I can't possibly be wrong about this one

I decide to take a risky step and carefully inch my face closer and closer for a kiss until I can feel his hot breath fanning my face. I'm thinking...are we about to kiss?, OMG!!

But how I was wrong!!. Nathan immediately snaps back to his senses and moves his face away before our lips could touch. I also flinch back feeling rejected. He shakes his head as if trying to register what had happened as he safely removes his hands off me

I guess I was wrong, Nathan didn't feel anything, I guess it's a one sided thing

I felt stupid and embarrassed as I stare at the ground finding the little rows of ants who where walking in a straight line very interesting.
I can't believe I actually thought he could feel something for me.
I'm even more embarrassed because I tried kissing him. Jeez I could just die of embarrassment

"That was just in the moment right?, next time be careful" he says walking ahead of me

In the moment?, really?
And does he actually think I'll continue my walk of shame around the hotel... no thanks I'm off

"You know what?, I'm just gonna head to bed I'm getting tired" I say adding a fake yawn as I walk off not waiting for his reply

I hear his footsteps as he walks behind me, the silence was awkward and uncomfortable so I decide to walk faster so as to get the hotel room quicker

We get into our room and the silence is even more suffocating than ever......I felt like I was walking on eggshells

"Uhmm....I'm gonna head to bed" I say getting on the bed and covering myself with the duvet

After a few minutes I feel the other side of the bed sink down as I sigh knowing he had gotten into bed...I close my eyes hoping for a deep sleep

Before I'm drawn to slumber I simply mutter two words

"I'm sorry"


End of chapter, I'm sorry once again for the late update

I hope you liked this chapter,just wanted you both to know how Kishi truly feels😌

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