𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘶𝘦 | First Sight

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First of all, Hi everyone, I hope you're all doing great

This story is just a small part of  the dozens of very special VMIN universes in my head. And I created this story so that we could look at their special world in the same way from different eyes. I hope we can do this together for a long time.

Lastly, the story may contain some angst scenes, depressive expressions, or adult content.
Please be careful.

With lots of love,

▬▬ ♡ ▬▬

Taehyung hastily comes from the dressing room to the bedroom, the smell of his perfume, which he was used to, spread through the rooms. He looks at himself in the mirror.

"Should I wear this black suit more often?" he mutters.

He doesn't like dressing formal in his daily life. Actually, he didn't have to, no one buy the paintings he made for the suit he was wearing. Some of them didn't even meet him, all they care about was his signature in the bottom corner of them.

He gets a little closer and checks his makeup, wasn't even aware of it that his big eyes look even more impressive with the dark eyeshadow he put on.

Then he reachs out his desk which next to his mirror and pulls a watch out of the box, the last thing left from his father. He looks it as if there could be nothing in the world that could be considered more valuable.

The fact that his appearance is so similar to his father made him have hard times to look in mirrors most of the time. He shakes his head as if he wanted to drop the thoughts inside it.

Taehyung shakes his wrist and the old watch settles on his elegant wrist perfectly. He checks how much time he have until the 6 p.m as Jungkook said him to be ready.

His best friend is trying to get him out of the world he had closed himself off from, and although Taehyung was grateful for this, the idea of being among people still seem very unusual and scary to him.

Finally, he put on his coat, which was hanging on the hanger, and went into the living room. Since he first moved into this house he wanted to design the room in black and white colors.

But his sister looked at him in a daze and said, "Then I'll come to your house when I want to die of boredom!" They had laughed about it together.

When Taehyung remembered that memory, he leaned his tongue against his lower lip. He comes to the front of the opened window, reaches for the flowers that stood in there and touches them, which her sister brought 'to change the mood of the house' to stop his eyes from filling.

He looks back at the room with a bitterly smile. A crystal drink bottle that is standing at the bar which in the farthest corner, catches his eye. He was sure that if the sound of the doorbell had not distracted his thoughts, he would have gone to it instead of the door.

This big living room remained box-like under Taehyung's long legs and wide steps so he reaches the door in a few of them.

He opens the door, and Jungkook is there with his big smile. Taehyung joins him.

"You ready?"

Taehyung nods and continues to smile, turns back and presses the button that turned off the lights of the entire house at the same time.

He couldn't help feeling like he was leaving his safe zone when he closed the door behind him. The worst memories and the best memories he had were inside this house, they were still alive, and Taehyung could not see anywhere but his house as safe.

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