- Special Part

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Hi <3
The reason why I'm writing this special part is that this universe is growing in the first place, then I miss them and you all so much!!

I wanted to tell you a few things that show how their life went on. Just don't expect too many surprises because you'll see when you read it, Taehyung and Jimin are still not that different from what you already know.

They are still two stupid lovers who desperately admire each other and sometimes don't know what to do with their feelings. But you can be sure that the paths of both of them at the end of their ups and downs are still connected to each other 🌻

It would be greatly appreciated if you won't be a ghost reader, because I can't wait to hear your thoughts!

And hope you will smile as you read this short memory of them smiling profusely, thank you for all the love you have shown this universe

Looots of love, Gigi 💌

▬▬ ♡ ▬▬

Jimin runs his fingers through his sweat soaked blond hair. There is ambition and dissatisfaction in his eyes looking at his reflection in the mirror.

The fact that he could not bring the end of the choreography he was working on had stretched his nerves much more than usual for days, and this tension caused him to be unable to reproduce, putting him in an endless loop.

He turns his body once more without taking his eyes off the mirror, touches his head lightly and draws a circle in the air as if his head has been pushed.

"No," he mutters to himself, "Doesn't fit its soul."

When he leaves his tired body on the warm floor, he hits the ground with his hand and a curse comes out of his mouth.

"Why can't I finish it the way I want it," He looks at his aching palms as the question he asked into the void fills his mind, the bulges of his hands and the tips of his fingers have turned into the sweetest tones of pink.

Looking at them takes away the tension of the fine nerve he feels for himself as if it had evaporated and puts a smile on his face. Because it reminds someone who loves that they get this color.

"Haven't you done?"

Jimin lifts his eyes from his hands and turns to the owner of the sudden voice, "What time is it?"

Hoseok must have just checked as he replied without hesitation, "It's past 10 pm."

"Oh, Jungkook is definitely going to kill me this time," Jimin lays on his back, "Can you hand me my phone?"

Hoseok takes the phone on the bag that is placed a few steps away, then walks up to Jimin ignoring his hands waiting for him to throw it in the air and throws it over his heaving belly with deep breaths.

"Ah! Hyung, it would hurt less if you threw it from there."

"Don't do things that might hurt you, Jimin," Hoseok leans over to him and hits his forehead with his finger, "Also, get the fuck out and rest now, just because the dance school is yours doesn't mean you can sleepover here."

"Yes, yes, as my school's favorite dance master would say," Jimin exaggerates, Hoseok shakes his head side to side and rolls his eyes cutely before leaving the dance studio.

Jimin waits until he disappears in the hallway. Then he taps Taehyung's name that pops up as soon as he opens FaceTime. In the camera that opens while waiting for the connection, he touches his hair and lips with fingers, as if he has something that needs to be fixed.

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