𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎 | "Let me distract you."

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—𝙄'𝙢 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙘𝙖𝙣'𝙩 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙡.

"Tae, you need to wake up."

Taehyung lifts his face slightly from his comfortable pillow, but his head falls back on it as his eyes refuse to open.

"Hey, I'm out of patience, I said I need you." A sound full of reproach fills Taehyung's room.

A hand grabs him by the shoulder and turns him into supine position. Taehyung opens his eyes with the pressure he feels in his groin over the blanket covered up to his chest.

When he opens his eyes and lowers them to the pressure he feels, he sees the dancer set on his lap. Then he looks up to his face and smiles. It's not an ordinary smile, the little butterflies flying in it reached up to Taehyung's lips and cheeks.

The dancer leans forward without moving his hip, pressing his palms against the bed on either side of the artist's head.

Taehyung reaches out and touches his shiny silver hair, which falls down his forehead, he wants to push it behind his ear, but as he bends, the hair gets rid of Jimin's ears with metal earrings and falls in front of his eyes again.

Taehyung's smile grows, admitting to himself that although he remembers every moment of his life, he has never seen anything as beautiful as he see at this moment.

When he looks at Jimin's newly waked pure face, he can't help it but feel like he's always waiting to wake up with this image somewhere, but he just doesn't know about it.

"What do you think?" Jimin asks, he has a little mischievous smile on the edge of his lip.

Taehyung slides his hands over his bed and places them on Jimin's knees, which are bent on either side of his waist.

"How I can help you, maybe." He says, as his hands slide without rushing from the dancer's knees to his upper legs.

He frowns as his hands complete his trip on the smooth skin left exposed by Jimin's mini shorts and stand on his tightened muscles, "I didn't change your clothes when I put you in bed, where did you get these?"

"Can't I borrow things from you?" Jimin's little smile grows bigger, "Oh, except your heart and mind, I've already got them."

"You being so cocky-"

"Does it drive you crazy?" Jimin whispers a little closer to his face, without letting him complete his word, because, you know, Park Jimin doesn't like to play a game that he doesn't set his own rules.

"Jimin," Taehyung looks at the dancer's parted, plump lips under his eyelashes, then fixes his gaze on his eyes, squeezing his tight legs under his palms, "Don't play with me."

"What happens if I play?" Jimin notices the darkening in Taehyung's eyes, his lower lip now between his teeth as he continues to smile.

Taehyung's hands begin to move without haste again. First, they go over the shorts gathered on Jimin's thighs, then finds his waist through the baggy T-shirt on him.

After grasping his waist, Taehyung suddenly straighten up and switches their places before Jimin can understand what is happening.

Now Jimin is under him, one hand is still at Jimin's waist, and the other one is supporting his body near his head.

Jimin suddenly starts laughing, throwing his head back, and is quite happy with the result of the little game he is playing.

"Taehyung!" Jimin calls out his name through his laugh while Taehyung extends his hand around his waist under his t-shirt, without answering.

When his hand find dancer's soft skin, his body trembles as if he had never touched anyone before.

As his hand slowly begins to move up Jimin's skin, he hears his name calling again, but this time the voice is as if reaching him through an empty corridor.

"Tae," the voice becomes more muffled as the Artist frowns .

"Wake up!" The sound is clearer this time, closer, and does not belong to the Dancer.

Taehyung pulls back to his lost sense of reality, his eyes suddenly open, "Jimin?"

"What Jimin? Do I really look like Jimin from there?"

Taehyung frowns, straightening up a little on his bed with support from his elbows, and looks at Jungkook standing on his bedside. He stands for a while with his lips open, trying to understand.

And when he realizes that this fascinating moment, as if it will never end, is a dream in which he is pulled out and removed, he presses his long fingers against his eyes and throws his head back, "Oh, God." he mutters.

"Did you have a dream about Jimin?" Jungkook frowns and sits at the side of his best friend's bed.

Taehyung pulls his hands from his eyes and looks at him, "No, not like that."

"You two-"

"No," Taehyung says again, rolling his eyes, "He was just- he was too drunk, we talked a little and he went to sleep, that's all."

Jungkook shows him by lifting a paper stuck between his index and middle fingers, "I'm glad you didn't, it would upset me if my best friend was left with a post-it note in the morning after he had sex."

Taehyung reaches out,  picks up the paper and opens it. He sighs because of a feeling that he is slightly afraid of what he will see.

'I hope you want to see me again after last night.

P.S. Thanks for making my night end well with quality whiskey.'

When Taehyung looks at the phone number at the bottom of the note, he blinks, pressing his lips together so as not to smile in a way that reveals it to Jungkook watching him.

"You don't have to squeeze your lips, idiot, I've already read the note," when his gaze meets Tae's, he raises his eyebrows teasingly scratching his forehead, "Of course, if you can stand next to him without blushing after the dream you've had." Finally, unable to bear it, he gives a giggle out of his mouth.

Taehyung takes the pillow on the other side of his bed and hits him on the shoulder, "I haven't dreamed anything like that!" He says, just being aware of dreaming something exactly like that.

"Yeah, yeah, when was the last time you had a wet dream?" As Jungkook's giggles turn into laughter, he gets up from the bed to escape the pillow bumps that will keep coming towards him, "Oh, look at the magic of Park Jimin, Taehyungie's dream boy!"

"Get out!" Taehyung throws the pillow in his hand to his best friend, who runs towards the door, making an exaggerated moan-like noises.

"We'll talk about it!" Jungkook shouts, and when he closes the door behind him, the pillow Taehyung threw hits the door and falls to the ground.

As soon as Taehyung is alone, he puts his hands through his tangled hair and leaving his head on the pillowless side of the bed, pulls the other pillow over him to cover his face.

He wanted to forget the dream he had because he felt guilty for seeing something like this, but what it felt was so fascinating that he couldn't help but thinking it as real.

With the pillow still on his face, he opens his arms to his either side and mutters the sentence in his mind that he thinks best summarizes his situation, "I'm. Fucked."


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