𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚘𝚗𝚎 | Renverse of the Artist

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I'm truly sorry for the late update.
Firstly, PROOF & BTS festa, and then all the things after the 'real' BTS dinner, which you may also know, my mind was so full and I couldn't find the strength in myself to write a part like this.
So thank you for waiting 🤍

+ Also, this part contains a few memories about Taehyung's heavy past experiences, so please be careful, remember that you matter.

It was 04:00 in the morning. While Taehyung stands in front of the expensive wooden door he's familiar with, he feels the last of his strength draining from his body.

Many things had crossed his mind before he came here. He had thought of going and finding Beomjin, killing him for real this time or telling Yoongi everything and asking him to be there even if Jungkook didn't want to. And most of all, he wanted to apologize countless times to Jungkook for not being able to stop things from getting out of hand and for the difficulties he had been through. Until he can hold his best friend in his arms.

But again, his steps and heart had brought him to the only place where he could come without fear of the person he was.

You're trying to feel good again, you couldn't stop being selfish without even questioning whether you deserve it, the voice in his mind says him.

He pulls out his dying phone from his pocket, trying not to hear it.

He taps messages, touches one of the last ones and writes a simple message with trembling fingers;

"Can you please open the door?"

He spent the next few seconds after sending the message rubbing his painfully aching temples, until the large door of the house he was standing in front of him opened in a rush silence.

Taehyung opens his eyes and raises his head, he looks at the dancer's face with longing and need.

Jimin stares at him with his eyes blinking fast without saying anything while his thin body is behind the door, his head timidly stretched out.

"Did I wake you?" Taehyung hums silently.

Jimin shakes his head side to side.

"Is Yoongi here?"

"He fell asleep," Jimin's letters were timid, fragile, "He was.. so worried I had to give him sleeping pills without telling him."

Taehyung averts his eyes desperately as he nods, neither he steps to get in nor does Jimin widen the gap of the door he's standing behind. Jimin's eyes continue to wander his entire body while the artist waiting with his head bent forward. They let a few moments pass like that.

It is difficult for both of them from the very beginning to embrace the storm of emotions that each other's existence is dragging them through. What they're feeling right now is maybe twice as much.

"Do you remember when I asked you 'if you dare to be known by me?'"

Jimin now stares at the squinting eyes, not knowing what to find in them, he nods briefly.

"I wish.. I wish you'd said no to me that day and ran away."

Jimin frowns, trying to understand what he is hearing, and when he sees a tear quickly escaping from Taehyung's eye, he steps forward and reaches out to him with a momentary impulse, blinking his eyelashes. But Taehyung pulls back with such a quick reflex that the only thing Jimin's hand catches is emptiness.

"No," Taehyung mutters as he stares at Jimin's empty hand, "I don't deserve this, I don't deserve your love."

"Tae," Jimin whispers his name in a resentful tone as he takes another step towards him, "Talk to me."

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