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— 𝙄𝙩 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙖 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩,
     𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙨.

Jimin is standing in his room, where a dim afternoon shadow has fallen, in front of a giant sized mirror, which his lover gave him as a gift, saying that there should always be one around for a dancer like him.

About 8 months ago, if he had heard from someone that Jung Hoseok, whom he was a fan of from afar, would call him and tell him how the strong stance of a character like Jimin's in a world like theirs inspired him, he is sure that he would have been lying on the floor laughing for hours.

But now he is here, just a few hours away from the opening night of a show they had been preparing together for months. Jung Hoseok, whom Jimin had never imagined he could work alongside, is now both his contributor and close friend.

Months of promotions, even though they didn't need any of them, Hoseok insisted that this show deserved it, the rehearsals they made to blend their nights into their days, the conscientiously selected decors, and a showroom that finally seemed to have descended from a utopia..

At the end of it all, a dance show inspired by Jimin's life, which he sometimes questioned and didn't even know was worth living, is now waiting to be performed many times over and over, to be watched by thousands of people.

Jimin's shoulders rise and fall slowly as he takes a deep breath. His stress stricken body had spent most of the last night tossing and turning in his bed. And now, as the dancer looks at his reflection in the mirror, he wonders whether this body could integrate with the stage as he wanted.

Normally he wouldn't be so nervous before dance performances, but this time it's different, he is different, his life, his surroundings and the things he cared about, the things he wanted to show.. everything is different.

He straightens his naked torso while combing his newly washed damp hair with fingers. He has one of his favorite shorts under. His body looks even better than before after endless rehearsals, his muscles showing themselves with all their strength and grace under his skin.

Jimin runs his fingers over his face, thinking it looks good despite being partially sleepless. However, he decides to prepare his skin so that he can look fresher before his show makeup.

When he turns around to see where his moisturizer is, he winces and puts his hand to chest.

"Jesus. Tae, how long have you been there?!"

Taehyung is leaning against the door with his wet hair just out of the shower and his towel wrapped around his waist carelessly, watching the dancer with his arms folded on his chest, "It's been long enough for me to be captivated by your beauty."

Jimin sighs as he hides his shyness behind a confident gaze, "Don't I look awful?" he asks, he knows he doesn't.

Taehyung shakes his head, "You look like the most beautiful muse I've ever seen."

"No," Jimin whines, "Not the muse thing!"

"Why not?" Taehyung asks, as he pulls out of the door and walks towards the bed in the middle of the room, "Aren't you the inspiration for the show you're going to enthral everyone on stage tonight?"

"Babe, stop, please," Jimin pauses when his little box of moisturizer catches his eye, then continues to whine, "It's making me so nervous thinking about it."

As Jimin walks to his nightstand to get the product, Taehyung sitting on his bed stops him with his arm holding around his waist. He makes a move to pull him into his lap, his still slightly wet arms tickling the dancer's bare belly.

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