𝚜𝚒𝚡 | Lucky Flower

507 39 8

! This chapter contains some parts about death, please be careful — remember that you and how you feel is matter

Daylight had left its place to the darkness, the dancer and artist walking under the street lights did not even realize how far they were walking while they talking to each other.

Short conversations between them ended with either a smile or a giggle as they walked the turn of the path they came from. The distance they felt as they left the pub had become a warm sharing on this light road.

Taehyung realized that Jimin always has something he could say for anything, and he had a side that made himself happy and entertained the other person without offending.

Therefore when Taehyung talking to him, he didn't feel pressured to say anything wrong like he did with other people. It was like the magic of Jimin's personality.

What Jimin said to him on the terrace flashed in his mind, why those people he worked with wouldn't want to see him?

Why would people who were always around him be uncomfortable with him when Taehyung felt loose even when he was just talking to him about ordinary things?

While Taehyung looks at him and thinks about everything they talked about that night, Jimin suddenly turns to him, "What?"

Taehyung watches him sit on a bench just below a streetlight, shaking his head to tell him that nothing happens.

They are a few meters away from the place where their friends are waiting for them, and even though he does not understand why they have not walked a little further, he sits beside him without saying anything.

Jimin pulls his one knee to chest and rests his chin on the knee, just as he had sat on the terrace, "Sitting indoors in such soft weather seems very meaningless to me."

Taehyung presses the bench with his palms by the sides of his calves and turns his head towards the sky, "We don't have to go in."

"I already like you, Taehyung," he squints, "I think we'll get along."

"Thanks," Taehyung smiles with a frown, trying not to show that he stumped, "I guess."

Jimin smiles back, and that smile seemed to tell that he meant what he said. He turns his eyes to the ground, no need to say anything.

After a brief silence between them, Taehyung is startled by Jimin's reaction to something that his eye catches, "Oh, beauty!"

Taehyung looks at him to see what he is reacting to and he sees Jimin is leaning over, reaches for a purple flower that bloomed out of the paving stones.

He takes the flower between his little fingers, which he adorns with thin rings. And first smells it then puts a little kiss on its leaves. "What are you doing among these stones cutie?" he mutters.

Taehyung leans back while watching his gentle moves, pleased to meet a new side of the dancer's.

When Jimin brings the flower he is holding close to Taehyung's face, he instantly reaches out and smells it, "You are not even that kind to people." He smiles, can't help himself.

Jimin shrugs as he brings the flower back to his own nose, "If people deserved it as much as they did, I would be."

Taehyung had nothing to say that, after all, he is not good with people either. That's why he just shakes his head with pursed lips.

"Won't you ask?" Jimin asks without taking his eyes off the flower, "Why did I pick it off if I love them so much?"

"I didn't intend to, because I was sure you would say something that make me shut up again," he settles more where he sits, arms tied on his chest, "But I still can't say I'm not curious."

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