𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 | Unknown Thoughts

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! This chapter contains some being drunk parts and thoughts about anxiety, please be careful and —treat yourselves with kindness

Taehyung leans back in the chair he has placed facing the city view. His head falls back without his control, he wanted to close his eyes and take a minute to himself.

"Hey, I'm back, and didn't get caught by anyone!" A cheerful voice interrupts this moment, causing him to open his eyes without moving in his position.

He frowns when he sees the dancer shaking a bottle and two glasses towards him, giggling.

He's obviously doesn't expect him to come back after he finishes his cigarette and leaves.

Taehyung straighten up slowly in his own chair without saying anything as Jimin pulls another one beside him.

Jimin pours the wine from the uncapped bottle into glasses, then lays it on the ground and hands one of the glasses to Taehyung.

"Why are you so afraid of him?" He takes the glass handed to him, "From Min Yoongi." He explains.

Jimin shakes his head with a smile, "I'm not afraid of him actually, he doesn't think it's right for me to have such habits, I just don't want to fight with him." Takes a sip of his drink.

Taehyung only gives him a glimpse. Unlike him, Jimin is looking directly in his face.

"I know it sounds like I'm an asshole, as if I'm not responding to someone who cares about my well-being in the same way," his voice gets a little hoarse in the last sentence, "But the truth is not entirely that."

He pulls one of his legs towards him and rests his cheek against his knee, the tight jeans he wears don't seem to bother him at all.

"I didn't think that way." Taehyung answers calmly. He didn't know how he was so calm talking to him. It wasn't special to Jimin, he was a little shy to talk to whoever was new, even ridiculous sometimes.

He looks at the glass that Jimin gave him, thinking, why did he come back? Why is he telling him all of these? Just- why?

Then he takes a sip of his wine and stops thinking. Both were too drunk to make sense of what they had done. Especially Jimin.

"Don't you feel tired?" Taehyung asks to fill the silent gap between them, "I mean, after such a big show like this."

Jimin turns his eyes from the landscape to him, "I've done more tiring," he smiles, "But, you know, even if a person gets tired while doing what they love, they don't care."

Tahyung nods, understanding him. But he couldn't help wondering why Jimin had been drinking this much after such a successful show. Or why did he come back here with a bottle instead of being on the dance floor with the other dancers?

When Jimin leaned over and took the bottle, Taehyung wanted to stop him, he was drunk enough for tonight, and he wanted to tell him that too, but he didn't get that right in himself. So he just stared at him and stretched out his own glass to fill.

"So, you liked the show?" Jimin puts the bottle on the ground and leaned his cheek back to his knee, laughing for no reason.

"Yes," Taehyung says basically. "I was more impressed than I expected."

Jimin looks at him raising his eyebrows, his smile widening a little. Taehyung waits before he knows if he said something wrong.

"I'm glad to hear that," Jimin says, after looking at him for a while, "Contrary to what is thought, it is more difficult to satisfy an audience that comes without expectations."

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