𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎 | Courage

457 39 13

! This chapter contains some parts about anxiety attacks, triggering and episodes so please be careful — remember that you matter

—𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙚𝙚𝙣.

While he watches the street lights hitting the glass as the taxi sweeps along the way to his house, Taehyung is startled by his trembling phone in his pocket. Taking it out and looking at Jungkook's reply to his message.

Taehyung had texted that they had to leave because Jimin was not sober, that he would take care of him, Jungkook only wrote in response that they should be careful and inform to Yoongi when he feel better.

After reading the message, he puts his phone back in his pocket, looks at Jimin, on the other side of the back seat, with his head on the window, eyes closed.

He had asked him for the address of his house several times, but before Jimin could say anything but small murmurs, unable to bear the weight of his body, he closed his eyes and fell asleep he was unaware of.

As Taehyung watched the lights flash by hitting the dancer's swollen face from crying, he couldn't help thinking about the first moment he saw him on the stage.

Taehyung thought about how Jimin glided through the silk fabrics on him, his eyes burning like sparks from the stage to Taehyung's soul.

How his breath was taken away at the first moment he saw him.

All of the lights seemed to find his face, body, his dance to illuminate him. The light finds him.

Taehyung is forced to get out of thoughts that he is lost in it when the taxi stops.

After paying the money, he gets out of the car and comes to Jimin's side in quick steps, slowly opens it as he knows he is leaning against the door, easily carrying the shaken dancer out of the taxi by his waist.

As they walk in through the garden gate, Jimin lifts his head slightly against Taehyung's shoulder and opens his eyes, looking at the house lightened by the garden lights, "This is not my house." he mumbles.

Taehyung frowns, "Of course not, as if you could describe your house."

Jimin giggles as his head falls back on his shoulder, "Kim Taehyung, aren't we going a little fast?" He says, there was no trace of being sober in his voice.

"Yeah, I feel like I've been promoted very quickly in babysitting." Taehyung rolls his eyes, even so he can't help but admire the drunken sweetness in Jimin's voice.

When they stand in front of the door of the house, Taehyung tightens his arm at Jimin's waist and puts the key he prepared while in the taxi into the hole.

Before he can turn the lock, he is frozen by the weakly arms around his neck.

Jimin passed between the door and Taehyung and wrapped his one arm, on his other arm around his neck.

"I can't carry myself."

Taehyung waits without moving with this unexpected attack, while Jimin's whisper hitting his neck his hand is still on the key. It's like these few seconds are turning into hours for him.

"Jimin-ah, if you had accepted this earlier, I wouldn't have had to deal so much." he finally says, not even sure that Jimin is listening to him.

As Taehyung flipped the key in a hurry, he licked his lips harshly, as if he wanted to both prolong this moment and end it as soon as possible.

After clumsily opening the lock, he leaves the key on the door and pushes it to stay open. As the door opens wide, Taehyung's gaze descends on the dancer's head under his chin, "Come on, there are a few steps left."

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