𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 | Deeper, Sweeter

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CW // This part contains NSFW content. You can skip if you feel uncomfortable, you won't miss anything from the story going

-I wrote it just because I believe Vmin in this universe deserves to experience everything, including the caring and good sex-

If you're skipping, meet me in the next part and if you're going to continue reading, enjoy! It will be a long chapter and can't wait to hear your thoughts🤍

Every wait had an end, and every fall had a way out of hope.

Jimin could feel the thought pierce to under of his skin as this man's lips covered his own and his hands moved around his waist and hips.

Taehyung was holding him so tightly with such ease that Jimin didn't even need to tighten his legs around his waist.

When he feels that his back is leaning against the cold wall just outside the kitchen, he snaps out of the lustful drunkenness he is immersed in and opens his eyes for a moment.

"Taehyung," the artist's name spills from his lips as a whisper between his heavy breaths.

Taehyung pulls away and swallows, staring at his face, his chest heaving up and down fast as he inhales the dancer's lips instead of air for a while now.

"I don't want to do this here."

Jimin's indecisive voice makes Taehyung blink, "You want to stop?"

Although his body wished Jimin's answer was not yes, his mind asked this question knowing that he would accept any answer from him.

"No. No, I don't want to stop, I just don't want it to be here. Can we go somewhere else? Somewhere we can be- alone?"

When Taehyung feels the legs wrapped around his waist slowly unwind, he bends slightly to let Jimin's legs land safely on the ground.

"Whatever you want."

Jimin first glances down the hallway into the room where Jungkook and Yoongi are, then leans against the wall.

"I don't feel comfortable when someone is around, since-"

Taehyung understanding what he means and nods to say he doesn't need to continue.

"We don't have to if you don't want to, you know."

Jimin shakes his head and looks at him, "I don't want to forget where I am again when I'm with you because of past experiences, just because I know they're inside my head, I want to be with you. Only with you."

Before Taehyung's gaze leaves Jimin's face, his hand finds his, interlocking fingers, "Whatever you wish, angel." he whispers.

Then, without letting go of the hand he was holding, he heads to the door, opens it quietly and their gazes find each other after has shifted briefly inside.

Trying not to reflect the fire spreading from their hands to bodies on their steps, they quietly leave the dark clouds that surround everything, including this house, behind them with the door they closed.

Taehyung shuts down his car after parking it in the garage of his house.

Leaning his head back, he smiles when he realizes that the dancer sitting on the side seat with his legs pulled is watching him, biting his lower lip.


"Do you look extremely hot while driving or is it just me being horny?"

As Taehyung smiles, he leans towards him and unties his seat belt, puts the metal bar in place by touching his bent legs with his hand.

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