What in the actual f-

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It was a quiet night among the halls of the boy's dormitory. With Megumi out and about, searching for Sukuna's finger, Kei was spending his day off in bed.

His phone's light illuminates over his face as he scrolls endlessly on tiktok and his other social media page. Last thing he sees is another video in his page of @ThatVeganTeacher with a new, ridiculous video

"And if you call me a donut, that's fine~" She sings, strumming her ukulele to Gordon Ramsey. "Just as long as you're vegan from now on!" He was quick to roll his eyes and only whispered to himself,

"Keep dreaming, vegan donut."

He lets out a sigh before turning the 'off' button and sliding it under his pillow. He then falls flat from his sides and stretch out his arms, staring above his blank ceiling. His body makes a 'crack', sore from his recent tango with a cursed spirit.


Mini flashback:

He recounts entering a dark alleyway in the midst of busy Tokyo, strolling on his wheelchair until he traced screams of the victim being pursued by his demonic foe.

"NO! LEAVE ME ALONE!" A man, already in tatters and bleeding from both sides of his arms, was fleeing until he met a wall. A complete dead end.

"Don't you resist me, human. I'm beautiful, am I not?" The spirit asks with a wide smile, worms coming out of them as she displays her joy. The spirit clasps her hands together, let's out a laugh of pure ecstasy.

"I can't wait to gobble you up, human! I love it when you men squirm and cry as I devour you whole." She then grabs ahold of him as his cries escalate more, fearful no one is there to help him.

"Don't you cry, sweetheart. I love you, don't you see? This is just my way of showing you my affection!!" She screams before opening her mouth wide, but then..she immediately froze when a wire binds the hand holding her food, cutting it down before she could react.

The man shrieks when he's forcefully dropped on the floor and a gasp comes out after, when a wire imbued with cursed energy violently wraps itself around his waist before, throwing and putting him on the side of Kei.

"W-what.." The man was lost for his words. His eyes scan at Kei and what he was sitting on.

A boy in a wheelchair?! How is someone capable of doing that stunt?

"Oi, you need to run, kid! You can't be here!" The guy yells at the sorcerer before hoisting his body up. He starts to tug on Kei's sleeve until a hand slapped his.

"I came to save you, why the hell would I run? If someone's gotta run, it's you. Not like I can anyways.." Kei chuckles at the end, still staring down at his opponent.

The man looks at him dumbfounded before Kei lets out an annoyed sign.

"Uh, that was a joke. It's okay to laugh, you know, I wouldn't be offended."

"Umm, sorry. It went over my head."

'Who the hell was this kid?!', the man asked himself.

"Of course it did." Kei says before the spirit lets out of hollow scream.


"You're not a woman. You're a monster." Kei says, now in serious mode, both hands crossed, aiming at here. He was readying himself to release those wires.

The man steps back and Kei looks at him, "You idiot, run! Run before you bleed out!"

He was reluctant until he finally submitted to his order. The man starts to run and the spirit grows agitated.

"WAIT, I'm not done with you!!" Her worm-like body starts to swerve towards the man but she is stopped again by Kei's webs of wires, fused with cursed energy.

"Your battle is with me, spirit." She looks at him with fury before letting out a demonic laugh.

"Fine, jujutsu sorcerer. You'll be my dinner for tonight. I don't discriminate, you know!" She tries to flung herself at her but she was so stupid.

She was quick to forget the wires cut into her skin and she lets out a scream.

"Are you an idiot? I mean technically you are. You're a low level spirit and nothing more." Kei says in a monotone voice.

"Cursed technique, Web Frenzy!" He shouts before crossing both his hands again, tugging the wires to collide all together. The spirit starts to scream as she's being shredded into pieces, leaving her in cubes.

"Y-you bastard.." She mutters before her eyes roll back, the rest of herself fading away.


He smiles to himself, laying in his bed.

'That mission was too easy..hopefully, Megumi is feeling the same right now.'

His thoughts are put at a halt when he hears his phone buzz underneath his pillow. He looks to his side before unveiling his device again.

Gojo Satoru 👺: New message

And then another buzz: image

He unlocks his phone and his eyes widened, in pure shock:

"What the actual fuck, Gojo Sensei."

He just stares at the photo, a photo of an injured Megumi , kneeling on the floor and covering his face.

What does the text say? He looks at it and it says

Gojo 👺: "Just another day as a jujutsu sorcerer!"

He wanted to find it funny but he just couldn't, seeing Megumi stained with blood on his forehead. And who the heck is that in the background?

He sees a shirtless teen in the back with blood coming out of his mouth. He looks more bewildered than he does right at this moment. He tries to zoom in with his two fingers but it was so blurry in the back.

Kei then types back at him.

Gojo looks at his phone after getting an immediate response from his precious Kei. He looks at his phone and giggles.

👨‍🦽: Gojo, what the fuck-

From that point afterwards, things were going to change for Megumi and Kei Murasaki

Where they would have deal with Sukuna's Vessel

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy it. Please feel free to leave a comment and feedback. It would help me out with my growth as a writer!

Second chapter will come out soon!!

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