The final opponent

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His fractured socket burned still from the sharp thorn as his raggedy breath follows, filling the desolate and destroyed room.

"You're not doing good. We need to get you medical assistance." Gojo told his student who looked as if he was barely holding it together. Nobara propped a hand to his shoulder as he shifted his body suddenly as all four sat on the blood-stained floor. Getou's body was but a few inches away.

"N-No! I'm alright..I can still fight."

"Don't be stubborn." Maki frowned, "Are you forgetting that hole in your eye?"

He flinched but forced his shoulders to stay stiff and a growl fumbled out of his throat,

"I said I'm fine."

"Gojo.." Nobara calls for her teacher. Her dried tear face staring longingly, "What was it like..being stuck in that box?"

Gojo frowned, a solemn look over his face. In fact, it was odd to see Gojo this way. He tried earlier to crack a grin but he looked weak and tired to do so. Kei was happy to be by his side again but at the same time, he could not help but wonder what his teacher had to endure.

"I..heard everything." His piercing blue eyes narrow, "I heard everyone..from Tokyo and Kyoto trying hard to fight Kenjaku all at once. I felt your pain." He stares at Kei. "And Yuji who suffered so much. I heard the plans this madman had for everyone."

"If you heard these things then that means.."

"Yes, I know of the casualties of the Shibuya incident."

Kei catches a glimpse of his hand rolling into a fist, visibly shaking throughout the body. Kei whimpered,

"I-I'm sorry..I'm so sorry about Nanami. I'm sorry about the other sorcerers who lost their lives. And Principal Yagi..

"It's not your fault." Gojo murmured. "If anything, I am to blame." The man held his tears back and he gulped, his eyes glossed from the waters wanting to fall and Kei's heart was tormented by the sight of his own instructor trying to hold it all together.


"Kei, if I hadn't run off ahead, none of this would happen." He retorted. "And because of that, I had to live with the consequences.'s sad and I've shed my tears, I couldn't help but worry about you."


"Oh, Kei..he was going to ruin you. Do things no man should ever have to endure."

"If you've heard of these type of things, I imagine you might know something about these games." Maki chimes in. "Any intel on how to get the hell out of this place?"

"Well..I was going to get to that part."

"..Gojo?" Kei blinked when the man turned directly back at him, a deep frown on his face.

"The fights. The bloodshed you've spilled..I-it was all meaningless." The white haired instructor stammered in his words and Kei began to worry. He cocked his head, drinking in the little words he'd say but he waited for more.

"You guys..this isn't the real culling games."

"What?" Nobara stared confused. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"This is going to sound crazy but believe me when I say that this Kenjaku would speak to me while I was trapped. He'd taunt me. Tell me that this was all a trick to lure and kill you."

"I-I don't understand.." Kei shook his head. "Y-You mean to tell me that..even if we were to get points or win the game somehow, we would never actually win?"

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