Let the games begin

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"Sukuna's Vessel..Megumi Fushiguro..Nobara Kugisaki..

and Kei Mura- no, Oshu." 

An elder read out the fine print from his scroll before he looked out at the grand hall filled with elders around. Including some of the head families, from Zenin to Kamo. 

"I hereby declare their execution as they've turned their backs and plan on helping the likes of Gojo Satoru. After they left, they have convinced many other sorcerers to join the cause." 

"Sir, I know this is a violated of rule 08 but we are understaffed after the Shibuya incident. Shouldn't we at least postp-"

"Unloyal sorcerers are not sorcerers in my book." An authoritative voice silences the elder and the others who whispered and muttered amongst themselves. Ogi Zenin takes the stand and gets up from his seat, with the rest of the family looking up at him. 

"They're not needed if they can't follow the rules." The old man says with a grim expression. Hands crossed behind his back. "These kids, like my traitorous daughter." He refers to Maki. 

"Should be put to death as soon as possible. They're reckless, childish imbeciles who have no clue what they are doing. They will only cause more trouble, you see?" 

Naoya in the back grins widely at his uncle, pleased to hear those words come out of his mouth. With Megumi out of the picture, Naoya can become the next head of the Zenin clan. He snickers to himself as he turns around to see nods and agreement murmurs fill the room as he spoke. He slouched back against his seat and turn to look at his newly wed wife. 

"You look troubled, Mai." he laughs at her pitiful face. "Worried about your precious Maki?"

She doesn't say anything and looks down to her knees. Her knuckles tightly clutch on the ends of her dress. 

"Oh come on, you can talk to your, lovelyy husband." He taunts with his head coming inches closes to her. She continues to look straight, however, and not with the most pleasant expression. He growls and eyes narrow before his hand violently snatches her chin and forces her eyes to look at his angered ones. 

"Listen here, wench." He whispers through his gritted teeth and she looks scared now. "If you don't open up or at least smile, I'm going to have to physically do something about that. I don't want to have to hurt that pretty face of yours and I know you don't want that either!" 

He pulls her closely. The Zenin relatives, like Jinichi and even Mai's mother can hear him lecture the girl close to the face. The mother stares with cold eyes when Mai looks at her, pleading for help. The older woman remains silent and turns her back away from her daughter. She pretends she doesn't see anything. 

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