I love you, but I'm sorry

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Book 2 begins ! Let me know what you think of this introduction !

A battle emerges underneath the black curtain. The air was filled with the smell of smoke as fire scorched the grounds of the enclosed region.

Explosions trail behind a fleeing Kei who grapples himself on buildings before hopping to another.

He touches the abandoned building and emulates his curse energy onto it, blue energy scaling through the entirety of it.

But the building blows up and Kei shields his eyes from the debris shooting past him.

He turns back quickly and sees the special grade spirit chasing him still, with a big grin on his face.

"Come back here, boy." Jogo says, "You're only going to get yourself hurt if you continue to run."

He ignites a flame on the palm of his hand,

"Maybe these people here wouldn't die if you just surrendered."

Kei shoots back a look as they fly mid air,

"You would've killed them regardless!" Kei snaps back with ferocious eyes and the wires on his ankles sink how downwards, quickly dodging the flames that almost hit him.

Jogo smiles at his words.

Yeah, he would've killed them either way..

'This is embarrassing..' Kei thinks to himself.

He's running away and making circles around the curtain, knowing full well he could not defeat Jogo and Mahito single all together.

But he curses to himself, seeing the scorched bodies of people and sorcerers he was working littered all over the ground.

'Dammit Gojo, pick up the damn phone! Where are you?!'

His focus wavers when he sees Mahito shooting straight towards him, laughing like a maniac with his hand out.

He's inches close to touching his face but Kei assembles his wires around his entire hand, exploding it mid air.

Mahito then looks at it without pain, but more of curiosity and shock

"Woah, that's a neat trick.." He's in awe before he grunts in pain as blood spills out his mouth.

He looks down and sees wires now visible deep into his chest.

Kei reaches his soul and the boy stuns his entire body.

"Now." He told himself before the falling building behind them started to float up and split into two.

With his curse energy he maneuvers each half towards the two spirits in both directions.

Kei roars,


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