Crossover of the Year

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Crossover: Squabble, Peacemaker, and Outsiders. Please, Enjoy!

It felt like Christmas all over again.

Bemused by the ominous invitation, Kei Murasaki surveyed the old decorations around the room. He sat in the roundtable, draped still in red and white checkered sheets. Each plate and set of utensils per guest were illustrated with a christmas tree in the middle and the current year below it. The real Christmas tree itself was still glowing just right in the corner. In fact, not only the inner interior of the room still celebrated the holiday that passed days ago, but on the outside, the entire threshold of the Fujiki residence carried piles and snow. If Kei could compare his friend's home to anything, it'd be the north pole.

Nobara Kugisaki didn't seem to care about what plans Denshi Fujiki had for them. As the servants came with a prepared dinner, her mind was set on the food. Her mouth watered and her eyes went big as saucers when a steam plate of ham settled close to her. Mash potatoes with gravy and pasta were put on the enormous round table. Even greens were put to balance everything out. Nobara picked up her fork, her hand gripping tightly around the golden utensil, before trying to stab the ham. Kei was quick to pull it back,

"Wait, Nobs! Let's just wait and find out what this is all about." He tells her, "I want to know why Den has been sending us the most cryptic messages as of late."

She whined, "But, Keiii. I'm sure it's all good intentions! Why else would he make us this delicious dinner?"

"I agree with Kei here." Maki's voice is heard from across the table. Her arms crossed against her pressed leather jacket. She too exchanged a suspicious look, "Let's just wait to see Denshi and my sister. I want to hear the announcement first before we do anything else."

Suddenly, one of the waitresses beamed right into the picture, holding a bucket in red and white stripes. She smiled before looking at Maki,

"Ah, looks like the deliverer came on time! I have one order of KFC right here. It's an essential for every winter holiday, of course! Enjoy."

Maki was speechless, her mouth agape with the familiar aroma of fried chicken was placed right next to her. She stared at it for a moment, before silently pulling the bucket close to her. Her hand reached for a drumstick.

"Nevermind. Let's eat."

A chuckle is heard next from her,

Her boyfriend asked,

"Didn't you just say we should wait?" Tamaki blinked and watched, amused, as Maki sank her teeth into the chicken skin. Nobara took this cue to pick at the ham. The two girls initiated the dinner and their two boyfriends sat there without another word. Both Tamaki Hatsumi and Kei Murasaki knew they couldn't stop them at this point.

"Fine, go ahead." Kei snickered, "Just don't let Gojo see that, Maki." He eyed the KFC brand with a grin on his face.

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