The Great escape ( part 2)..and sleeping with Sukuna ( wait what? )

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Sorry y'all this is a pretty long ass chapter. Forgive me ;-;

But don't forget to comment and vote on this story! I would appreciate it <3

Chapter idek guys: The Great escape and sleeping with Sukuna ( wait what ? )

Kei moves in his sleep, sweat dripping down his forehead to his cheek as he stir some more in the sheets.

He feels a cold hand, pressed against his forehead and then a soft cloth taking over it.

He forces his eyes to wake up and see elderly servants circled around his bed, all matching the same wrinkly bags under their terrifying happy face.

"Ah!" Kei cried out, shooting his body up from the futon and all the elderly women began to place hands on his shoulders but he pried them off of him.

He looked around himself and found his school uniform had been changed to a traditional Zenin robe consisting of red and black colors.

"Please boy, you mustn't panic! If Naobito or the other men see you struggle, they will punish you greatly!"

"I didn't ask to be in this shitty clan. Now you let me go!"

This is practically abduction, he thought before scrambling to look for where his wheelchair was. He sees it in the corner of the way before crawling his way into it.

The commotion brings an invitation to Naoya Zenin, a member of the clan who barged into the room to see Kei running away from the servants.

"What seems to be the problem, Lady Ai?" He says, narrowing her eyes at her and then at the boy.

"Is our new, adopted member not making himself at home?"

Kei rolls his eyes,

"I'm not Zenin." He growled, seriously pissed over the situation.

"I'm going back to class with my classmates and if you are going to try to stop me, try it!"

Naoya chuckles at his threats, coming forward to the boy.

"Silly boy. You are not capable of beating someone like me."

He then disappears in front of him and Kei blinks his eyes before realizing the man is standing right next to him now.

He throws him out of the chair and with his back turned, he tries to get up.

But Kei's back is stung by a heavy piece of wood Naoya pulls from the side.

His wooden sword slammed the back of Kei, repeatedly, making the boy cry out in pain.

The housekeepers and servants cornered themselves in the room, fearful of Naoya.

He is just more sinister than how Naobito usually is.

"Why are you doing this?!"

"Because someone has to discipline you."

Kei tries to reach out to the man, who found himself getting drunk seeing the boy get beaten to the ground.

Kei looks down to his hands still planted on the floor.

"You could've gotten anyone else. Why me?! It's not like I'm that special"

Naoya slings his sword over his shoulder, responding with a cocky smile.

"Yes you're right. You're not special. Everything about you isn't. It's the cursed energy you have that is.."

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