I love you, now and forever

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She knows it's his voice but she stays on guard, aiming her pins at him.

He runs so fast with open arms at her, tears cascading down his cheeks but with a warm smile of joy.

Nobara can't tell if it's some illusion or trick and so she does it, she jabs a pin right at his shoulder.

How romantic, right?

She attacks her own boyfriend and he cries out, feeling the pin dig into his skin.

"N-Nobs, wha-what are you doing?!" He asked as he wraps his fingers around the pin so he can yank it off fast.

He hissed at the pain and now Nobara kinda feels bad.

'No fuckin way, this actually might be him.' She thought.

He pants a bit before chuckling dryly,

"That's my Nobs, she never lets her guard down.."

She slowly walks up to him with her hammer tightly around her grip. She blinks at him cautiously,

"Are you..are you really Kei?" She asked, her voice almost cracking at the sight of him on his knees in front of her.

He looks up and smiles again, sweat beading down his forehead from the pain he experienced.

"Y-Yes, it's me." Kei confirms,

"And if you want prove, then I'll tell you what you only know..

"You were born in the countryside. You said you always hated it but yet you talk so much of it with passion. You used to play smash bros with your closest friends' dad and beat up the punks at your school...

You then came to Tokyo and when you saw Megumi, you thought he was some arsonist and Yuji ate his boogers as a kid..I took you to Akihbara one time. I took you to so many places but it's your favorite place, especially with the arcade and chicken curry you like to eat so much.."

He then continues walking over to her. She stays frozen in her spot.

"You're always true to yourself, Nobara. You don't give a damn what people think and you're so confident and loving and amazing. The best sorcerer out there. You started off as my closest friend to then my girlfriend...

And most importantly, I love you so much! I still do!"

"Come here, ya fool!" She cries out.

She gets it.

She doesn't let him to continue much longer and pulls him forcefully, smashing her lips against his.

The two passionately kiss, desperately clinging onto each other. She has her arms wrapped around him and his around her waist.

They don't stop to breath for air and keep on going, hungry for one another. They finally release themselves after another good minute.

He pants a bit before looking at her, caressing her cheek with his hand. He smiles so happily, kissing her nose.

"I never thought I was going to see you again, Nobs! I-I really thought I was done for but I'm so grateful I'm here now!"

She nods at him, chuckling against his lips. She touches his features, from his hair to his lips and cheeks.

She wanted to feel him again

"I always knew you would come through, Kei.." She admits. "There were some who thought you were long dead but me?

I never gave up on you."

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