I lived, bitch

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It's been three days since Kei and Megumi had their battle against Sukuna.

Three days and not once has Kei woke up from his slumber. He had an oxygen mask on him, with patches and badges wrapped around his body. One around his neck, others on his cheek and his stomach.

He had few visits, some he caught while he was sleeping.

"Hang in there, buddy!" He hears Panda's voice, his hands cusped around his mouth as he shouts words of encouragement to his injured friend. Toge Inumaki stands beside him, leaning for his hand,

"Salmon Salmon."

Then there's Gojo, who cradles his cheek with one hand as he stares down at his young student. Kei whimpers but his eyes don't open.

Gojo puts his hands back to his pockets, revealing a frown.

"Those fuckin elders.." He mutters coldly, a phase that Kei has never heard from Gojo before. "You have to live, Kei. Live so we can get rid of the corrupted system of higher-ups, once and for all."

"Please don't die."

Yuji was forbidden to see his classmate in the infirmary, which made the young teenager burst into sobs.

"I'm sorry, Kei! I'm so so sorry!" He cries, hiding his tearful eyes with his hands. "It's all my fault.."

He goes on his knees, emotional about the whole thing as Sukuna on the side of his cheek blinks and grins seeing the boy break down into a slobbering mess.


Megumi was guilty, didn't feel like he wanted to say anything to him except that he was sorry. He was already feeling he's the one to blame over Itadori, and now with Kei standing on a thin line, he couldn't bear it.

But then there's Nobara.

She spent the first three days watching over him as she sat on a chair near his bed. She rests her chin against her hand, staring at him.

Tears dare to come out of her eyes but she shakes herself, preventing her from looking like an idiot, she thought.

"Stupid..why did you stay and fight.." She mumbles, knowing Kei may not hear her. She bites on her lip, trembling on her chair.

She only knew the guy for a few days and yet, she didn't want to lose him. For all that time they spent traveling in Akihabara and prior to it, she learned so much from him.

She couldn't help but admire the guy, just like she does with Maki-senpai.

Sometimes she'd shout at his unconscious body, demanding him to wake up but nothing. His heart rate was incredibly slow and it drove her mad.

"You idiot, you better not die on me," Nobara says. "Or else imma have to subconsciously curse you.."

She was already mourning for Yuji and seeing Kei like this broke her heart in two. Thinking of that finally broke her, as tears started trickling down her cheeks.

"Hey, don't leave this world yet..I still want to travel around with you and see the things you've yet to show me." Nobara whispers, "I want to see your face every morning before class.."

She leans towards him,

"I still want to hear those snarky comments and see you just living...so please, live okay?"

In Kei's mind, he felt like he was swimming in a black sea of nothingness. The waves would swerve and take to him in all directions, with voices of the people he knew calling for him.

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