The New Girl in Town ( Part 1 )

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Kei was asleep until he turned his side towards the center of his bed, where he hears a soft 'crunch' against his cheek.

He groans and eyes crack open slowly, only for him to shoot his entire body away from what he finally sees.

'Cheese puffs?! Who the hell left cheese puffs on my bed?' He eyes the now destroyed chip on the bed, leaving nothing but its orange dust.

Once he regained his sleepy self, he started to regain memories from last night.

'Oh god, I think Yuji left chips on MY bed.." He blamed himself for not checking before sleeping but he felt careless around 1am.

The three first year boys had a late night together, playing smash bros. on Kei's big screen.

Kei laughed as he shot Robin's elthunder spell at Yuji's Donkey Kong, who doesn't dodge his power at time. Yuji cries out, eyes furrowed in frustration.

After five times in a row of Kei winning, Yuji held this determined face, destined to win at least one match while Megumi sat in the background.

He kept slamming his fingers hard against the controls as Kei would exchange nervous stares at the joy-con. Fearing that he'll break it in two.

Megumi watched the two go at eachother after his Falco was blown out of the sky by Yuji's super move. Not like he wanted to play though, but Yuji and Kei's pleas for him to join sucked him in.

"Face it, Kei! Your fire emblem character is not going to beat my character this time!"

"Are you sure about that?" Kei deviously smirks, moving his character so he can grab an assist trophy for the fight.

Megumi never thought playing a game with Sukuna's Vessel would be on his list, but Yuji was a good kid. Even Kei knew the moment he met the boy in the front entrance of Jujutsu high.

Besides the boy would have to die sooner or later, so might as well try to entertain him beforehand.

Kei averts his eyes from the bed and looks at the clock beside it. It read '6:am' and the sun was on the verge of rising to the sky. He lets out a sigh before readying himself for today's mission.

He puts his hands on his knees down to his ankles, letting out a hiss of pain. His joints stinged with excruciating pain, like his legs wide  glass ready to break any minute.

He curses to himself, disappointed he had to meet the newbie in a wheelchair. He thought perhaps he could be able to walk around in his cane today, but guess not.

The curse in his legs acted like a wild card, something so uncertain on how to behave. One day, he can feel the sensation in his legs and can walk, for about, 20 minutes at most. The other with god awful pain that he just wants to lay in bed all day.

Today was that day and it made Kei so annoyed. He pouts to himself but he knew his complaints won't break this spell.

"Guess I should get ready then.."

Gojo, Yuji and Megumi waited outside and their focus shot towards Kei, who was approaching them in his chair.

"Speaking of the angel! Did you sleep well, sleeping beauty?" Gojo teased with that big smile as usual, waving profusely as his student.

"Shut up." He mutters as Gojo laughs it off. Yuji meanwhile looks at Kei as if he was idolizing him from afar.

"Oi, Murasaki Kun!" Yuji calls out, "Your outfit is on point! Did you decide that style yourself?"

Itadori hadn't seen the blonde in his jujutsu clothes up until now. Yesterday he had wore a plain black shirt with casual jeans, but today he wore his customized uniform.

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