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I wish I could sleep like Megumi. To be able to close my eyes and experience nothing. No dreams, no nightmares. Just pure bliss of darkness. Kei watched his friend laying against the infirmary bed with the white, thin sheet draped over his body. He looked out through the window and pass it, the moon was glimmering in the center of the sky. Kei shivered to himself, bracing himself by wrapping his hands around his shoulders. He felt cold. Walking over to the window, his fingers were drawn to the string that pulled the curtains all the way down. The enemies out there could not know they were resting in the school's infirmary for the night. 

After their long-lasting battle, Megumi collapsed in Kei's arms and with a shout, he tried calling for him and hoping he'd wake up again. He unbuttoned his jacket and glance all over his body, hoping to find any life threatening injuries Reggie might've imprinted on him but instead, he was met with the expected bruises. Megumi bled but like Kei, he was bleeding from the corner of his forehead and nothing near the vital organs. The blonde wasn't an expert at tending to wounds but he had to do something. To be in the school's infirmary room was like treasure. He found cotton, alcohol and all sorts of medical uses he can take. He cleaned his wounds as much as he could and bandaged them up and then treated his wounds after. Kei scouted the rest of the campus to make sure there weren't any enemies and to his relief, he saw nothing but the corpses of their enemies. 

He retreated back to the room, locking it behind him before slumping to the other infirmary bed in the room. The beds were split apart with a thick curtain hanging right in the middle but Kei doesn't think he has to worried about anyone intruding. This was one room out of many. He found himself lucky as through his thorough investigation across the campus, he found food, snacks and water bottles stashed in one of the rooms Reggie occupied himself in. He smiled to himself, opening a bag of cookies before chugging some water himself. He pulled Megumi's head up just to give him a bit of water too. Tomorrow morning, he was going to make sure he drank some more and ate as well. 

He looked up at the blank ceiling, staring emotionlessly and trying to use the extent of his ears to listen to what might be going on outside. Again, it was just pure silence except for crows squawking near their window. They ended up leaving and this allows Kei to close his eyes and let his dreams take over. 

This might've been the worst nightmare he's experience yet. It starts out quaint, happy and cheerful as the sunset glowed across the meadow. Two figures run across the grass with their bare feet on the ground, hands intertwined. The girl looks back at him. It's Nobara. His Nobs.

He looked around and noticed they were far from the cities of Tokyo but rather the countryside. He thinks to himself, Nobara's hometown? It seemed so cause when they washed their feet with a water hose and dried them against a mat, they walked into a big house and instantly, he was greeted by parents that resembled his lover so much. 

"Welcome back! How was the trip over to the meadow? I hear the flowers are looking beautiful this season." Her mother smiles at him and he returns the smile with a big one, so happy and beaming with delight. "It's beautiful." He breathes out, his hand still intertwined with Nobara's. "I've never seen so much nature. I love it, really." He looks over to Nobara, "Seriously Nobs, I can't believe you didn't love this place as a child. I could see myself living here one of these days." 

She bit the inside of her cheek, "Mm, it's not like I hated this place!" Nobara's mother arched a brow at her with arms crossed. Nobara gulped at her reaction, "Okayyy, maybe I did. But you being here has made me realize that still place isn't so bad, I guess." She tried not to show an ultimate agreement but Kei grinned, knowing she really did miss her home. She was just too stubborn to admit it to her family. 

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