Self destruction

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Y'all comment and vote if you like! Happy Sunday

Kei slams someone against the wall and everyone freaks out, gawking at him with fearful eyes to see him use his abilities at someone.

"P-Please don't hurt me," The paramedic choked out as the curse energy around his neck tightens.

"Give me back my clothes right now or so help me-" The blonde growled, pressing him up and down against the wall. Shoko and her staff rush to the scene and her eyes widen to see Kei doing this to the personnel.

'Poor boy has been through a lot.' She thinks before whipping out a syringe to put him down for a moment.

She holds it behind her back and comes with a defensive hand towards him,

"Now, now Kei. Just let the man go. He hasn't done anything wrong."

She slowly makes her way towards him and he stares at her with cold eyes and doesn't let the man go from his grasp.

"Just release him and go back to your room right now, Kei. I know these are stressful times-"

"No, no I need OUT. Right this instant!" His voice booms right at her and he stands there, completely unstable as she comes closer.

"Yes and I will let you out later. But please, let's just talk about this first in your room."

And before he could say anything, she dashes and tries to point the sharp syringe to his neck.

Kei gasped before he moves the paramedic right in front of him and the man cries out when the syringe goes into him instead.

He's thrown hard at Shoko and she falls from his heavy weight.

Kei frantically runs and looks around with threatened eyes should anyone tries to stop him.

He sees the locker room and instantly sees spare clothes. He reaches for a black shirt and pants before heading downstairs for the exit.

Everyone on the bottom floor looks at him confused as he flees without warning.

And as he exits and follows the light, he forcefully hits someone hard by accident. He didn't see them at first but when he stops and turns his heels,

He sees a baffled Megumi.

"Kei, what the hell?! Where are you going?"

Kei loosens his shoulders a bit before looking at him with eyes so colorless,

"I'm leaving."

"Leaving? Where?!" Megumi shakes his head and stares with confusion.

"Isn't it obvious....

I'm leaving Jujutsu high...forever."

Megumi's eyes widened and the two start to argue.

"What the fuck...are you an idiot or something? Kei, that's insane! And for what reasons?! I mean Nobara is still here and she'll need you.."

"She's dead."

"They're still working on her-"

"YOU'RE WRONG!" Kei screams at him, his fists clenching with anger. "I held her in my arms when she died, Megumi. I'm not making that shit up...

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