Enemies to Lovers

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uhh nobara fans, please don't hate me. There's a good outcome out of this, I swear. 

And Keimai fans, have fun??? 

ENJOY! And don't forget to comment and vote <3

Kei slept a blissful thirty minute nap while Mai flicked through the thick pages of photos taken in the past. A.K.A his childhood.  

Hearing the pages of the photo album flip made Kei slowly open his eyes and prop himself up to get a better view what she's looking at. 

The two sit so close together now and Kei feels his heart jump every so slightly when her face turns to look at himself with an elated smile as she shows off one of the photos on the page she was in.  Their shoulders are touching. 

'Why is my heart racing?' 

"Look at you, you look so adorable here." She comes, admiring the photo of little kei wobbling his first steps. Big grey eyes beaming with joy as he makes his way into his father's arms. 

Mai snickered to herself, 

"You look just like your dad." She commented and looks back at Kei. For once, Kei smiles genuinely as the two go through the entire photo album together. 

Kei lets out a dry chuckle before pointing at one photo during his kindergarten class. He had to attend choir with other younglings and perform in front of their parents. In the midst of the singing group, Kei is spotted with his arms crossed. 

"I refused to sing, sometimes." He says to her, "I thought it was embarrassing. Especially in this one photo, we were forced to wear sailor uniform and I hate it."

Mai giggled to see the young Kei in blue and white uniform with a cute hat on the top. He wore a frown that seemed equivalent to the much older Kei in front of her. 

"Haha, I guess nothing's changed. You also still refuse to sing, huh?" She remembered his protests after Gojo forced him to sing during Karaoke night. 

"Though you aren't bad at all~" 

"Heh. Thanks..Mai."  He blushes without knowing until he feels the heat bloom over his cheeks. 

He lightly smacked himself as Mai goes and puts the book away. He shakes his head a bit,

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