It's kinda complicated ( part 2 )

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Mai walks into the dining room of Kyoto High school and sees her closest friend, Momo who is chewing edamame to herself while scrolling on instagram.

"Hey Momo," She says with a pleased smile on her face, reaching for the chair opposite of her and her friend puts her phone down.

"What are you up to?"

A drool creeps in Momo's mouth ever so slightly,

"Just looking at Sebastian Stan's instagram.." She smiles, already daydreaming of her favorite celebrity.

Mai furrows her brows, shaking her head as she's so unsure how she found the american so attractive.

"What about you?" The blonde witch asked, pushing the bowl of edamame towards her. "Anything interesting that happened on your trip?"

Mai laughed at the obvious tone she used asking that question. Momo clearly knew Mai and Kei met each other again.

"Alright, I guess I'll spill the tea.." She says, leaning back against her chair and rubbing her hands like she was going to get her hands dirty.

She recounted what happened but then she went off the rails, exploding about how she has a sudden interest for the boy in a different way.

"Aww, so like rivals to lovers~?" Momo questions and Mai slouches in her chair, a bit ashamed of herself for getting to that point.

"It's weird, Momo.." She answers, tightly wrapping her hands around the hem of her summer skirt.

"Before I would always want to see him for the sake of competition but now it just feels like I use it as an excuse to just, well, talk to him."

"When did you start to get those signs?" Momo inquires more and Mai sighs.

"Don't laugh at me, but I started to dream about it."

Momo drops a piece of her food back to the bowl and chuckles,

"Heh, dream? You say you have a hard time dreaming.."

"Yeah but one day, I began to start dreaming about how my life can be without being a part of the Zenin family.."

'And I still remember them to this day'

A bell would ring across the hallways of high school. Mai and her posse submerge out of the room, most of the girls all swarming her like she was a celebrity.

She had the best clothes, a fancy geek chic outfit all in light colors, from pink to a cream tone. She had a purse instead of a traditional backpack like most girls in the school.

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