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Hey y'all, let me know what you guys think about this chapter and leave a vote. We're on that Shibuya arc baby but i will say that in this fanfic, it is a bit altered and I do corporate my own things too. Y'all will see but have fun!

"Where are you going?!" Akari cries out to the first year girl, ignoring orders from the paramedic who was holding her to refrain the auxiliary manager from falling on her knees.

"I'm not just going to sit back and be useless!" Nobara Kugisaki shouts back and has already walked ahead of her. Her back completely turned.

She ignored Nanamin's orders. He warned her of the fights involving grade 1 curses but she didn't give a damn. She could not stay behind and let the others risk their own lives.

She's not one to be a bystander and never can be that way. She had to fight and spill every flesh and blood she had inside of herself.

But most importantly, she had to liberate Kei from the clutches of her enemy.

"I'm going to find you, Kei..don't worry, I am coming." She whispers her promise before marching in the depths of Shibuya.

For hours, Yuji and Megumi meets one fight after another.

After their fight in the highway with enemy sorcerer, Awasaka, they thought they could relax a bit. But they had to get up and keep moving despite subdued injuries.

"Fushiguro, stay safe yeah?" Yuji told his friend who simply nods at him.

"Let's make sure all three of us get out of here alive. As well with Gojo getting out of that box.."

Time was ticking. They had to fight every henchmen roaming across the city to get to the curse user who trapped Gojo.

Mechamaru has been good help providing crucial info, despite being a traitor and tricking Kei to get kidnapped in the first place.

Yuji was close to breaking the device, frustrated and upset over what he did to his friend but he knew he needed his help to resolve the entire incident.

Yuji would enter the dark halls of the subway only to stop and see the presence of Choso. The curse womb looks at the figure next to him, Koji who stands with him.

"I saw him first!" Koji exclaimed, pointing at Yuji and Choso growls,

"Now you idiot, I had my eyes on him first. I get to kill him."

The two bicker and Yuji watch them do so. He then glares at Koji for a while until his screams echo across the station,

He cries for his classmate. He feels his body tremble at the sight of his friend, now fixated into some monster.

"Ughhh, I told you it's Koji, not Ke-you know what forget it! I think I am going to kill you!" He says, harnessing the blood out of his veins.

Choso lets out a 'tch' before shoving Koji out of the way,

"He's. mine." Koji puts his arms up in defense.

"Okay, okay! Geez." He doesn't say much after that but instead walks towards Yuji. The pink hair boy whimpers before putting himself in a fighting stance, but the curse womb doesn't care. He walks past him.

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