A Promised Kiss

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Hey peeps, comment and vote on this chapter if you like it! More drama ensues here <3

Kei swore to Megumi not too long ago that he'd never walk the campus of Jujutsu high again, but he contradicts himself when Yuuta guides him back there along with the others.

Kei informed everyone of the culling games that will take place in a few days and so Yuuta believes the group should all meet up with Master Tengen, the one who holds the barrier around the school.

They believe he might have the answer to defeating Kamo and saving Gojo from the box.

The walk was awkward for Yuji as he noticed Nobara and Kei were not speaking to each other, while Megumi remained stressed over the fact that his own sister will be a participant in the death games.

Prior to seeing Tengen,

The group rushes to the hospital to see Maki now fully conscious. She awoke from her slumber with her hair, now cut like Mai's but her burn marks right across her right side.

She feels emotionless without anyone in her room, until her twin sister came to see her with a bouquet of a red roses. Mai sits by her side, happy to see her sister is alive and well intact.

"How do you feel?" Mai's hand tightens around hers.

"I-I still feel a bit numb," She says moving her jaw around until she flinches from the hardened pain on the side of her cheek.

"Where are the others?" She asked and before Mai can speak, her reunion comes so fast.

Nobara squeezes her way in the room and runs to give a big hug to Maki, who groans a bit from the rough embrace but she wraps her arms around her too.

"Maki-senpai, I'm so glad to see you're in one piece."

"Same goes for you. Looks like the both of us got new signature looks, huh?" The two admire each other's battle scars before they laugh it off. Yuji, Megumi and Kei came into the room to greet her.

She looks at Kei and Mai stands up with her eyes focused on him. She hadn't seen him since his last stand with Kamo.

"Kei..you're here." Maki tells him with a smile. "I knew they couldn't keep you captive any longer. You're too stubborn."

"Yeah, they were no match for me," He lies, faking a smile that didn't match his eyes. Mai knows he's broken underneath it all though. He was pulling an act and she could see it.

She looks at Nobara and finds herself hurt when Nobara avoids Kei's glare. His presence in general, because the first-year girl does her best to keep a distance from him.

'What happened?!" That's all she could think of. The group began to chat with Maki, catching up with her. They all witness a tender moment with Yuuta and Maki. They haven't seen each other for an entire year.

Everyone smiles to see them hug it out. Yuuta's guard is down and it makes people content to see this sight.

But Mai doesn't pay attention and sees Kei sneak his way out of the room. She finds herself walking over to see where he was going. He stood in front of an elevator, making his way to the top of the building.

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