It's kinda complicated ( part 1 )

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Naobito Zenin sits with poise and hands crossed against his chest as he watches the elders demonstrate a newcomer, tutored under Gojo Satoru.

The audience of elders and noble members go "Oo" and "Ahh" around the courtroom, beholding the scene of a younger Kei Murasaki making his wires extend and dance around the room, with cursed energy trailing behind.

They'd release the low grade, curse spirits in the room and the young Kei was fast to summoning his wires at them.

All of them dying in a second.

The girl who sat next to the head of the Zenin clan was none other than Mai, who watched with a pure thrill like it was some magic show.

That smile of excitement would falter soon when the harsh truth washes over her mind. That this was not making Naobito Zenin happy.

The elders then comment on his talented usage of energy, noting that he'd be perfect to befitting the rank of Grade Sorcerer 2.

"With his skill on cursed energy, he can be suited for this rank. You'll have him work with the other student, Megumi Fushiguro. And we'll see from there.."

Her eyes widened in pure disbelief. She was Grade 4, the lowest of the low and a year older than the boy.

She looked at him, head to toe. Noticing that he was capable of harnessing such energy while in that condition...

The head noble chuckles,

"So, how is a crippled boy like him still better than you, woman?" Naobito questions and Mai starts to stutter, her body full suspension by his threatening presence.

"Even if you are apart of the Zenin family, you are still worthless." He seethes through her skull, her body starts to shiver at his cold insults.

"You and your damn twin sister," He mumbles at last as Mai looks down to her feet, ashamed of herself almost immediately.

'I never asked for this' She thought to herself as he left along with several audience members exiting out of the building.

She stood there, a single light aiming towards her as she sobs to herself.

'I never wanted to be a sorcerer' She thought to herself everyday, especially when her other half walked away from her and the family not too long ago.

Maki made her living under the family a living hell after announcing her emancipation.

Mai curses her twin, wishing she never did that cause all she's asked now is to not be weak to her family.

"I hate you..I hate you!" She snaps, screaming at nothing but imagining it was her selfish sister, her back turning against her as she walks away.

And now, she hated sorcerers like Kei Murasaki.

Miwa can't help but describe their relationship 'toxic' since the moment Mai laid her eyes on him, all he experienced was insults and bullying from the girl.

A young Kei had met her only days after his showcase to the elders. Gojo had to make a pit stop at Kyoto and the two met.

Her eyes narrow, a bored expression on her visage as he shyly smiles and reaches a hand out.

"H-Hi, I'm Kei Murasaki," A soft spoken, quieter Kei back then would gulp and dare himself to introduce who he was.

His hair was lot longer, messier. So was his social skills.

"I know who you are," She deadpans, slapping his hand away without breaking contact. Kei gasped and hid his hand away.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- uh, bother you.."

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