Karaoke night

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Hey yall. Pls tell me what you think of this chapter and as always, vote!

I think you guys are going to loveeee this one, I promise you *winks*

The family dilemma was over.

The students returned back to Jujutsu high and to Kei's relief, Gojo didn't have a noose wrapped around his neck.

He stalled enough time for them and thank god, they returned with the deed in hand. The Zenin were furious and ordered the kids to be punished but when the elders read through the custody file and admitted defeat.

"I suppose Kei Murasaki now belongs to Gojo Satoru.." The elder grumbled and Gakunganji shot out his chair, furious.

"Wait, you serious?" The man and he dips his head in disbelief. "Oh, dammit!"

The elders watch him disrobe his uniform, revealing a pink shirt that reads "KEIMAI" inside of a heart before ripping it in half.

The old man grumbles and walks out of the hall and everyone is just stunned by it. Naobito and Naoya turn to look at Kei, who simply smiles and points the middle finger at them.

His tongue is out at them and they both get triggered.

"In your face, you sexist idiots!" Nobs laughs at them, the couple flipping them off together before fleeing with Gojo to the exit.

"So, did it work..?" Yuji asked, who waited outside with the rest of the students.

Gojo smiles, pulling up half of his blindfold to reveal one way. With a thumbs up, he smiles,

"It's settled! Kei has to call me daddy now!"

"I do not." Kei states, looking at him with disgust.

"I'm just kidding!" The teacher laughs but then bends down to look at him, "Unless.."

"No." He says with a raised voice and Gojo leans away from him, nodding in defeat.

"Alright! Kei Murasaki is back, baby!" The pink haired vessel jumps in joy and so does the rest of the people.

"I'm glad this is all over," Megumi sighs out, "Now I can finally get some good sleep."

"You big baby," Maki sneers at the Zenin boy, "It's literally only seven!"

"Well what do you want to do, emancipated boy?" Nobara asked Kei, "We should do something to celebrate."

"Woah..another celebration party for me? You guys spoil me alot." Kei smiles to himself before thinking of something.

"The night is still young..let's go to karaoke night!"

"GREAT IDEA!" Gojo exclaims, "And just in time, since your cool sensei got a new set of wheels."

"A NEW CAR?" Yuji shouts, running up to him, "Well come on, show it to us now!"

"I didn't think he had the money for it," Megumi rubs the back of his head, "I thought he was busy spending it on eighty nine girlfriends.."

"Shake?" Toge asked. 'He has eighty nine girlfriends?!'

"Yes, I do have the money, Megumi," Gojo defends himself with a pout, "Just come on, check it out."

"Ooo, I hope it's a Tesla!" Nobara squeals, jumping up and down with Yuji.

"Last one to my place is a rotten egg!" Gojo said before literally teleporting to his house. Everyone starts to panic where he went.

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