A Battle against the Devil ( part 1 )

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The four teens were not equipped for this mission. They went blazing into a domain so vast, that the once two story dorms became a maze that seemed impossible to escape.

Nobara looks behind her and let's out a squeak,

"Eek! The entrance, it's gone?" Kei glares at the once entrance, completely faded from existence.

"Huh?! How are we going to get out?" Itadori panics as the two frantically starts to make circles around Kei and Megumi.

Even the dog stares at them with confusion.

"Quiet down." Megumi utters, "This dog here remembers the scent of the entrance, so we're not completely lost."

"Oh, my!" The two clasped their hands together and look at the dog with admiration.

"I knoww, isn't he the best?" Kei chimes in, petting the dog beside him. "Though he does stink. You don't wash him, do you?"

Megumi stuttered at that question, "Wha-He's my shikigami, not some household pet."

"Aw but you should give him some beef jerky!" Nobara cries out, "ALL OF THE BEEF JERKY IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD!"

She laughs deviously while Yuji wraps his arms around the dog.

"This isn't the time to be acting like idiots!" Megumi says, completely annoyed over how the three didn't focus on the task at hand.

After that bit, the group walks through what seems like sewers and they come to a halt when they see a dead body nearby.

It's name tag read "TADASHI" and Yuji immediately knew it was the man the mother was calling out for.

He looks at Megumi, "We need to bring his body back." But Megumi stuns him by refusing that request.

"We have no time for that." Megumi deadpans, ignoring Yuji's reasoning. "You know rescuing people isn't apart of the objective."

"Yuji, it's okay," Kei comes and puts his hand on his. "We can come back for his body later but right now, we need to find this curse!"

He couldn't believe what Megumi said though. Yuji goes and grabs Megumi by the collar, earning protests from Nobara as she tells them that's enough.

"How is saving people not apart of your intention?"

"Do you even know where we are, Itadori?" Megumi is quick to silence him. "That man here was in the prison because he ran over a poor little girl down the street!"

"So just because of who he once was, you don't care? Okay if he doesn't matter to you, why'd you go ahead and save me back then!?"

Tension boiled in the room and Kei was lost at words when he heard Yuji yell at him like that.

He's never seen him so serious and frustrated before.

"CUT IT OUT!" Nobara turns hostile, marching her way between them. "Christ, why are we doing this now-" Nobara's sentence is cut as she lets out a violent grunt, before being plunged entirely into a dark hole.

Kei's eyes widened, his hands reaching at her direction.

"Nobara!" And before he could inquire with the other two, he feels the wheels of his chair wrapped in tendrils from a hole underneath him.

"KEI, NO!" Megumi shouts, running to grab him out of the chair but he's too late. Kei cries out as he feels his entire body swoop down in the abyss.

"Woahh!" Kei cries out and takes out his wires from his wrists. He starts using his skilled hands to create a net below him to fall in instead of the flat ground.

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