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In celebration of Jujutsu Kaisen official fanbook,

I'm going to do my own trivia because I can mwahaha

Also I wanted to do this as a way of thanking y'all, the readers, who've been invested in this story!

I didn't think people would read this story honestly. Truth to be told, I'm pretty insecure of my writing but at the same time I LOVE to write.

Weird isn't it?

But anyways, I hope you guys enjoy my little trivia here. These are questions I've got privately, some that Wren and I came up with.

If you got any questions on your own, you can comment here too! It's a way to interact with the ones reading my story.

Anyways, here we go:

[ Better visual on how the character is meant to look

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[ Better visual on how the character is meant to look. Credit goes to the artist/Pinterest ]

We've talked about favorite foods with him but is there a food that he doesn't like?

A: He has no least favorite foods. Kei isn't picky and likes to try different foods all the time.

What's another talent he has besides baseball and sorcery?

A: E-sports gaming. He's good at playing those online games with random people and or his friends like Yuji and Megumi. He even plays horror VR with them. Aside from that, he likes being on a headset, cursing at people while playing at the same time.

If Kei wasn't a sorcerer, how would he be like?

A: Kei would definitely have better self-esteem. Heck, he'd be popular at school and be on the sports' team. Then he'd go on to be in the big leagues, as he envisioned in the past. He'd definitely be a player in his dating life.

What's his biggest stress source?

A: He has many. One of them being the insults he got in the past, along with his appearance in many occasions. The third would definitely be Gojo.

What type of music Kei likes to listen?

A: Definitely a lot of alternative or indie music that people don't listen often so he can look cool. But he definitely has a secret spot for Billie Eillish and Arctic Monkeys. He also likes tiktok sounds too.

Q: What inspired you to create an OC like Kei Murasaki?

A: I get this question a lot and answered it before, but I really had to think about it. Originally, I wanted Kei to have the same personality like Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho, where he'd be rebellious and a potty-mouth at times. But I'm a big marvel fan and always wanted to create a character mix of Professor X with House of M's Scarlet Witch. I felt like no one would relate to Kei if he was always impulsive and short tempered 24/7.

So you're also working on Mai x OC fanfic and I got to ask, who would win in a fight? Denshi or Kei?

A: Wren and I kinda answered that in that fan-fiction over there. As much as I love goody two shoes Den, I know for a fact he might have a hard time defeating Kei. Denshi is a close combatant but Kei would not even let the guy get near him. Sorryyyy

Would they be friends tho?

A: ABSOLUTELY! Denshi would be so kind and caring and he would look over his appearance and would praise Kei a lot. He'd be the big brother Kei never had.

How was little Kei after losing his parents?

A: It was tough for him. Even at that age, he was already blaming himself for their death. He even pondered what if he actually went with Getou. He dealt with depression and ptsd for awhile until Gojo and Megumi became his support. Meeting Nobara and her company alone also made him feel better too!

"I'm sad what you did to Kei two chapters ago :("

A: Uh...sorry?

If Kei were interested in the guys, who would he date?

A: Definitely Yuji! I was going to say Megumi, but he sees him as a brother.

If Nobara did not exist, would he date someone else like Mai or the other girls?

A: If Nobara and him never met, he still would not get with Mai. That much is for certain. Overall, he would not be interested in any other girl.

Why did you even want to do a Nobara fan fiction?

A: Ah, cause I love Nobara Kugisaki and it's a crime she doesn't have much fanfics. Our queen needs more!


Okay you all, those are the questions and answers I have! If anyone wants to leave any, feel free to do so!

New chapter will appear sometime this weekend, titled "War" and I will be also busy on my other fanfic too so check those out when you can!

Have a lovely day!

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